> Thanks for confirming my fears! I don't think the speed of light is
>near as big an issue as all the routing that occurs between our 'puters
>here in Aus and the U.S., etc. What's really needed is a straighter shot
>between our 'puters
cost to the U.S add another 40 or 50 from the east. Plus 100 or more through
your modem plus 100 for all the routers so even with a really good modem
connection you wont get there under 500 m/s. Even if you are on the backbone
in Perth you are still only going to get 300 m/s at best.
TEN has started at www.multiplay.com.au and they have suggested NORL as a
possibility but with the limited amount of enthusiasts in Aus and the fact
that we are so spread out it is unlikely to happen even if we could afford
it. I played with some figures and it would be very expensive for a limited
amount of racing.