Where can I buy it (Grand Prix Legends)? I tried future shop, wall mart and
best buy with no luck. Any one have an idea? tia.
Cheers, Ray
Cheers, Ray
> > hey guys,
> > Where can I buy it (Grand Prix Legends)? I tried future shop, wall mart
> and
> > best buy with no luck. Any one have an idea? tia.
> > --
> > Cheers, Ray
Cheers, Ray
> > rms
There are two known sound issues, distorted sounds and crackling.
To eliminate distorted sounds there are several solutions, including the
usual 'try the latest drivers' type stuff, but I find the most reliable
solution is to go start, run, dxdiag.exe, go to the sound tab & set the
acceleration to basic. This is unlikely to affect any of your other apps
or games, but you never know 'till you try ;-)
To cure or at least reduce crackling, turn the volume down in windows &
gpl and compensate by turning your speakers volume up.
btw there is a more sounds patch which allows all 9 different engines
(including F2/F3 to have their own sounds. One of the must have add-ons
imo, but make sure you apply the patch /after/ the CPU fix otherwise
you'll just have to apply it again. Same thing goes for any 3rd party
patches that hack the gpl.exe file.
Those are the only patches that I know of.
What kind of "sound issues" are you having? And what is your hardware?
Maybe someone here has experienced the same (or have heard about) and know
how to fix it.
> > Found one, buddy gave me his. now to work out the bugs, I've got some
> sound
> > issues with it. Is there any other patches other than, 1.2, d3d, fastcpu
> > that anyone knows about? tia
> Those are the only patches that I know of.
> What kind of "sound issues" are you having? And what is your hardware?
> Maybe someone here has experienced the same (or have heard about) and know
> how to fix it.