i don't mean you have to agree with his opinion, freedom of speech is what
newsnet is all about.
Sure, but i think in this case it was just as a defensive reply to someone
who made a cyncal reply on he fact that if he is so good why he didn't start
selling those wheels. Maybe he shouldn't have cause one could have seen it
comming from far that you will get some friction on this subject, but
speacking for myself i really don't care so much about what other people
earn, i don't look up to that but i also don't get angry or irritated about
that either. Just let, what does it matter to you. Besides only money
doesn't make a perfect life.
Maybe, i was not there, but also maybe not i don't know you don't know all i
can go by is what he tells here in the group
i know i don't consider a reply a spam, but in the past i've been spammed on
expressed opions in other news groups, i dont mind a dif. opinion i love to
read other peoples point of vieuws, but i don't like childish mails aimed
directly at me with insults wich don't have the slightest touch with the
subject we're discussing. I had that before that's why i put in the line.
Thanks for your reply