steeringwheels cheap and expensive

Dave Henri

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Dave Henri » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

  Strange Greg, My reconditioned USB Logitech FF runs N99 just swell,
but of course, without any FF effects
  I a'most prefer the effects in SCGT, when I'm really pushing and the
fronts begin to loose traction, the wheel chatters nicely.  I haven't
got that yet in GPL(probably cuz I"m so hopeless there I can't push hard
enough to lose the fronts. :>  )
  TPTCC99 and the Bullrun 1000 sign up now!
dave henrie

Glenn Andresse

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Glenn Andresse » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

If you're such a hot shot, why don't you spend some of your money on a
real racing car?

> Sorry little boy, but I have three ECCI units.  You see I'm an electrical
> engineer and I make little over $100,000 a year, so the fact that I have a
> job affords me the luxury of buying the things I want.  I don't make wheels
> for everyone, just a neighbor who asked.

> Joe Mendel



steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by mets4 » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I have a race car.  I drive a mini cup car and my nine-year-old son has a
kart.   If being able to have the things I want and want to give my family
makes me a hot shot, well then I'm guilty as charged.

>If you're such a hot shot, why don't you spend some of your money on a
>real racing car?

>> Sorry little boy, but I have three ECCI units.  You see I'm an electrical
>> engineer and I make little over $100,000 a year, so the fact that I have
>> job affords me the luxury of buying the things I want.  I don't make
>> for everyone, just a neighbor who asked.

>> Joe Mendel



steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by mets4 » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

As a point of fact I did offer the kid one of my ECCI units, but his parent
thought that it was too generous of an offer.  They did think that building
a controller with their son in my workshop was a good idea -- as long as he
paid for all the materials.  So he learned how to use the power tools in my
wood shop, and he learned a bit about the electronics involved with the
controllers.  In addition he earned merit badges for Scouts.

Andre Hanegraa

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Andre Hanegraa » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Guys what the hell are you all picking on mets41 for? He is telling the
truth go see his web-site there you can see his son with his kart and behind
a ecci steering wheel. Don't be jelous on someone who has his life in order
and does the things he likes to do as well be able to provide his family and
friends with the things they want. Just be happy for him.

Mets i think building his own steering wheel with the kid next door is a
very nice thing, indeed he did learn a lot from it and besides that he can
say he build it himself so he could be proud of it as well. Wished i had
such neighbours ;)

And to the rest don't spam me on my opinion nor on my english cause it's all
selfthaught i'm not native english

Andre Hanegraaf


steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by jbo.. » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> >I have a race car.  I drive a mini cup car and my nine-year-old son
has a
> >kart.   If being able to have the things I want and want to give my
> >makes me a hot shot, well then I'm guilty as charged.

> Guys what the hell are you all picking on mets41 for? He is telling
> truth go see his web-site there you can see his son with his kart and
> a ecci steering wheel. Don't be jelous on someone who has his life in
> and does the things he likes to do as well be able to provide his
family and
> friends with the things they want. Just be happy for him.

> Mets i think building his own steering wheel with the kid next door
is a
> very nice thing, indeed he did learn a lot from it and besides that
he can
> say he build it himself so he could be proud of it as well. Wished i
> such neighbours ;)

> And to the rest don't spam me on my opinion nor on my english cause
it's all
> selfthaught i'm not native english

> Andre Hanegraaf
> amsterdam

I applaud your english (better than a lot of my friends!), and I also
applaud Mets' generosity and willingness to work with the kid next

Now, what's the URL for Mets' Web site <G>???

-- JB

Sent via
Before you buy.

Andre Hanegraa

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Andre Hanegraa » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

i don't mean you have to agree with his opinion, freedom of speech is what
newsnet is all about.

Sure, but i think in this case it was just as a defensive reply to someone
who made a cyncal reply on he fact that if he is so good why he didn't start
selling those wheels. Maybe he shouldn't have cause one could have seen it
comming from far that you will get some friction on this subject, but
speacking for myself i really don't care so much about what other people
earn, i don't look up to that but i also don't get angry or irritated about
that either. Just let, what does it matter to you. Besides only money
doesn't make a perfect life.

Maybe, i was not there, but also maybe not i don't know you don't know all i
can go by is what he tells here in the group


i know i don't consider a reply a spam, but in the past i've been spammed on
expressed opions in other news groups, i dont mind a dif. opinion i love to
read other peoples point of vieuws, but i don't like childish mails aimed
directly at me with insults wich don't have the slightest touch with the
subject we're discussing. I had that before that's why i put in the line.

Thanks for your reply


Andre Hanegraa

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Andre Hanegraa » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

i saw it standing underneath his replies so i went and checked it out,
always curious about the people who you change ideas with.
but for your convinience i pasted it below for you.


Greg Cisk

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Greg Cisk » Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00

It most certainly will not run the DOS version (required for multiplay)
well. There is a well known feature in their joystick driver which
prevents a good calibration in the DOS game with digital input
devices. You must be using the Windows version.


Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com

Mountain Kodia

steeringwheels cheap and expensive

by Mountain Kodia » Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>I have a race car.  I drive a mini cup car and my nine-year-old son has a
>kart.   If being able to have the things I want and want to give my family
>makes me a hot shot, well then I'm guilty as charged.

No, I reckon bragging about it on Usenet qualifies you as a "hot
shot".  Nah, I take that back.  It more likely makes you a "loser".

Anyone who feels he has to tell complete strangers his yearly salary
(as if anyone would believe him in the first place) needs some help
with his self-image.

Takes all kinds, --mK is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.