Hi Andre
You've started a war :-)
You will probably get as many replies to this as you could posiibly
want, but here's my take on it
First you need to make a decission, do I want FF or not......
Personally I don't care too much for FF at the moment (but Greg Cisko
does :-), so personally I would have bought a custom made wheel, but
that decission again depends on just how much money you are prepared to
put into this hobby of yours
Ok, so here goes
1. Money is no object, I want the best there is
ECCI probably makes the best custom made wheels there is (I say probably
as I have never actually tried one you see :-), it costs a small
fortune, 1000 $ an upwards I think, but you get a good wheel with good
service (I "know" a few that uses this wheel, and they are very happy
with it), to me the pedals look a bit "odd", but I hear the precission
and feel is very good
2. Money is bit tight, but I can spend a bit
TSW, RRC, SRC and F1SIM (probably missed a few) all make very good and
affordable wheels to your specification and at least TSW and RRC are
usually present in this group, these wheels will probably last you a
lifetime, and for about 250 $ and up, not too bad a deal, although some
people don't like the "homemade" look of some of them, but the quality
of the mechanical parts is very good on all them I believe
Then you have the FF wheels, and if you want FF, the choice is a bit
easier, there are no real custom made wheels here, you have the Logitech
and the ACT Labs wheels currently being regarded as the "best" I think,
with the MS and Saitek wheels as the runner ups, further "down" you have
the Thustmaster units I guess, and probably a few I have missed, but
common for them all is that you basically buy what they offer you, and
that's it, if you like what they have to offer and you want your wheel
(with FF) right away, you can't go wrong with a Logitech or an Act Labs
I think
Then you have all the "cheapo" wheels from Thrustmaster and all the
others, some of them are fairly good too, I've heard a lot of good about
the Act Labs RS wheel too, and some of them are digital and USB as well,
and should be more precise than most older wheels anyway, but they are
still "plastic" units, and will probably not last you as long as a
custom made wheel
Personally I have a homemade wheel (you could say it's a TSW replica)
that I have combined with a set of RRC pedals, they will both outlast me
I think :-), but some time up the road I know I will probably get a FF
wheel as well, just not yet, and once you have owned a custom made
wheel, you will never look back, for me it has been well worth the money
I've spendt on it
But people are different, I know a few that has been very happy with
their T-1/2 or Nascar PRO from TM and has had very little problems with
them, not to mention fast, and who thinks that 100$ for a store bought
wheel is more than enough
Hope this helps
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy