>> I have heard that the season calendar changing the first race around can
>> be fixed by making sure all tracks have 39 or fewer cars running, if any
>> tracks have 40 cars available then it screws up. I reinstalled my N2/BGN
>> when this happened to me so I do not know if this is really the problem.
>> And I am not gonna test this theory right now, gotta good season goin
>> and don't want to***it up!
>> -JH-
>I don't think this is true. I have all my tracks set to 40 cars, and
>using the latest post-BGN version of N2HQ created a season calendar and
>it is working fine.
>Jeff George
This is what I found out. I had a problem with the first race showing up as a
cross between Daytona and Atlanta. So I reinstalled, restored all the add-ons
and stuff and it cleared it up fine. Next I went and editted all the track
.txt for 40 car fields. checked back on the season and it was screwed again.
So I then editted them for 39 car fields. Now it works fine again. So that
must have something to do with it. Just a note though. On any of the Track
Pack tracks if if you want 39 cars, you must put 40 in the track.txt because
it counts the pace car as one also. Hope this helps someone out and saves them
from the dreaded reinstall.
Mark Smith
MES Motorsports