Hello all, I have had N2 for about 3 weeks now and have just managed
to complete my first championship season on it. I also have N! and
in the past 8 months have completed 10 seasons on it.
Here is a 'bug' I have just encountered and am wondering if anybody
else has had this happen.
I usually have race lengths set for 15% ( I usually cannot find more
than 45 minutes a day to play the game!) and here's what's happening
with N2 under a season: Short tracks such as bristol and N WIlks. are
reporting that 15% (which in N1 was 75 laps) is stated in the 1st
visit to the tracks as 75 laps and I can really run a 75 lap race,
however the 2nd visit to these tracks yields only a 36 lap event. N1
didn't do this, it had 75 laps each time, and I looked at the events
lenths for the real races and they also match that it should be 75
laps per event. Anybody else have this happen? Anybody notice this
on any other race length settings?
PS How come the option to save and finish a race latter was removed
between versions, now if we cannot finish a race due to time
constraints, we have to give up and leave the track and lose that
Thanks for any input.......Chris