Throwing a fit? I prefer to think of it as being very opinionated.
Throwing a fit would be something along the lines of threatening not to
race in RASCAR if everyone doesn't stop using 3-digit numbers.
As far as paint jobs, (and remember, this is just my opinion) some of
them are severely lacking in quality, completeness, and/or realism.
I have three cars in the current RASCAR set that are nothing more than a
single-color with a car number on them:
A) I changed Ed's so I could see the number better - the car is darker
and the number is yellow with red trim.
B) I changed Tony Rickjard's, but only enough to see the numbers
better. BTW Tony, what is that green snake thing on the side of your
C) The green #99 and primer #45 are still in their original
configurations, but I'll eventually get to them too (unless they come up
with something new in the interim).
I have two (or maybe three) that don't conform to nascar-mandated number
positions/size. I haven't changed any of them.
I made an offer to paint cars for people (and indeed have several that
are already available), and some folks have taken me up on it (#1, #9,
and #28).
I even re-painted a couple without any formal (or informal) request by
the drivers (#49, and #55) and posted them if they want to use them.
I stopped saying anything about it and just taking care of it on my end.
If there's a specific sponsor involved, I try to keep it, but I'm not
adverse to just re-doing the whole car if I get compeletely annoyed with
If I'm gonna be following everyone around during cautions, I at least
want something pleasant and at least close to realistic to stare at.
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
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