>You said you unpacked the .wav files from the .dat file. Did they
>sound wrong even when you played them seperately? Then it might really
>be a problem of personal preferences
program that's a bit over my non-audiophile head. Of interest is that the
engine sounds that are the most objectionable have the most clipped samples,
also. For example, the Ferrari sound consists of 114,195 samples, which
Cooledit says 63,034 are clipped. Looking at the waveform diagram, the waves
are truncated at the extreme amplitudes. I tried the noise reduction utility
with linited success, but really don't know if that's the correct approach.
Not my field, by a long shot. The BRM, by the way, doesn't have the static
problem, and has a sound file with exactly 0 clipped samples. Hmmmmmm. Of
note; ALL the sounds are mono, some 8bit and others 16, and the Repco,
Westlake, and F2/F3 engine sounds are identical, though they're 3 different
files, meaning they're independently addressable.
Still looking for sonic nirvana,
Steve B.