> Zog
>> Has anyone got this darn thing to run on thier Banshee?..i've downloaded
>> the demo but everytime I try to run the darn thing it craps out on
>> me....it reads the exe file...both of them....comes with a d3d and a
>> voodoo exe file...but dies on me before it even brings up a
>> screen...I've been to the Ubisoft site and read the FAQ's and did what
>> they ask...still NADA...even got the patch thinking that may
>> work...still NADA....if any help...i'd appreciate it...thanks!!
>Don't let the bastards grind you down.
>Doug Schneider
>Bedford, Nova Scotia
I've had no luck getting it to work with my Monster Fusion. I've
downloaded all the patches, tried all the drivers. Tried Ubisoft Tech
Support, no dice. I gave up on it.
I've got it running, monster fusion! with the latest (1.09) patch and it
might be that there's a banshee patch wait....nope there isn't. So
that's all I did. Make sure though not to select triple buffering in
your glide settings it will distort the screens.
Btw, my sys is celery 300A/monster fusion AGP/64meg/creative soundcard
If I reinstall, using the same installation, it then works fine again... for
a few days. Anyone having this problem?