As weird as it may sound in today's driver mayhem, there are no Win95 /
Win98 drivers for the T2. In the Win98 control panel, you can setup your
games controller and there you can just select the T2 from the standard,
Microsoft supplied list. Calibrate the thing and off you go!
Depending on the age of your T2, you will have to select a T2 with adaptor
or without adaptor from the list.Just try both and see which works :-)
For any more info on the T2, visit the Thrustmaster Formula T2 Upgrade Page
Joeri J. Cox
European Racing League GM -
502 Racing co-founder -
>Help! Can anyone tell me how to get a replacement driver (or whatever it is
>you need) for my T2. The thrustmaster site has turned into gibberish , and
>the european site only offers t2 drivers for Win2K. I have W98. I lost the
>original disk or whatever it was that I had, TM dont respond to my emails
>and there is no way to ask them how to get the CD they talk about on their
>site. I am keen to pass my t2 on to my nephew, but without the driver, no
>Thanks to anybody who can point me in the right direction.