I may have been the first one to have (or report) this type of problem in
GPL, and indeed it was components of Office 97 running in the background
that caused my problem--specifically the Office 97 taskbar and a vicious
program called "Findfast". If everything was running smoothly in your game,
and you started having problems after changing a system setting, then
obviously you must suspect the change you made. Setting to a Network Server
rather than Desktop was supposed to help because some settings for the two
were evidently reversed in the original Win95. It's my understanding that
this was fixed for OSR2 and Win 98. I'd change the setting back if I were
you. Also make sure that you turn off EVERYTHING when running GPL except
what you absolutely must have. This includes any virus protection--and
other type utilties. Close them and/or disable them.
There is a program called rnaapp that is used for dial-up networking
applications that sometimes has a *** tendency to hang around after you've
closed an internet connection, etc. Do a ctl-alt-delete to check for this
and other unnecessary programs and shut them down. I've tried shutting down
programs on my system until the system wouldn't work anymore to see what I
absolutely had to have. Never hurt my system at all--just requires a reboot
if you go too far. You might also want to set a fixed size swap file.
Check deja news archives for instructions on how to do this if you don't
know how.
Good luck
Jerry Morelock
>GPL, which was running smooth as silk on my system, suddenly has
>developed a case of the hiccups. That is, the frame rate suddenly