>> And get up to P6? I doubt that very much. Maybe you can gain a few
>> places this way, but certainly not overtake 2/3rds of the field. Before
>> posting my original follow-up I did test this out several times over and
>> A1 was the weakest, but on the other tracks often cars would be 3 wide
>> not allowing for this kind of thing. Is this with the patch btw?
>> Perhaps they improved things with the patch.
>Yes I was in P6. And yes they were on Pro. And yes I can do it on
>almost all the tracks. And yes I have been able to do it since Formula
>One Grand Prix on my Amiga. And yes it was with the patch.
but just can't seem to match this. Do you mean that you can get up to
P6 without ramming half the cars out of the way?
Partially, though you appear to have snipped the important bit about
sticking to your part of the track when alongside an AI driver. Now I
would have thought this would be common sense in real-life driving as
well, but moreso here because you just can't see the AI drivers to
either side of you and so you have to learn to stick to your part of the
track. This works the same with GPL. However, with GPL if you
accidentally move over to their side of the track their crash avoidance
routines come into play and so accidents are more rare. So its not just
about learning to drive the AI its about learning to drive safer.
Irrelevant. We are discussing the AI's merits not the game as a whole.
But its almost impossible to lose a wing with GP3 without some serious
collision velocity. You know that, c'mon? Someone driving across my
line in GP3 won't damage my car unless I get airborn.
Get along? We just have different viewpoints, that's all.
Did you read the whole of my previous post. You know, the part where I
mentioned about have done over a thousand hours against the GPL AI?
Believe me, as you should be able to realise from my sig., I've spent a
whole lot more hours on GPL than I have playing NASCAR.
No, I play GP3. And once again we are talking about the AI dodgy
physics not the game physics.
could do pretty much the same and that is why I have had time to study
the flaws in its AI.
Perhaps GP4 is terrible. Never played it. I'm talking about GP3 AI, so
why start talking about all this other stuff?
Yeah that's 3 irrelevant comments, too. :)
Whatever. Let's be straight here. I was refering specifically to GP3
AI not to the game in general. If you dislike the game overall then
that's just fine with me. I never said it was the bee's-knees. I was
specifically talking about the AI behaviour.
Note my sig. below. It may tell you something. ;-)
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
Remove ALL_STRESS before replying via email
If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me :)
GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77