>> >o.uk>...
>> >> Actually, my new neighbour has GP3, so I thought I'd bung mine back
>> >> my system so I could whip his ***as a 'Welcome to the
>> >> kind of thing. Anyway, I know its not the same kind of racing, but I'll
>> >> give Geoff Crammond his dues here, his AI programming ain't too bad.
>> >I just fired up Austria after the GP today and had a *long* hard
>> >chuckle at the AI.
>> >Still they all move to the outside of the track at the start, meaning
>> >I start at the back and am still P6 out of turn 1.
>> Yeah, I just tried A1 and it does seem to be prone to that, though not
>> always. Bet you couldn't do that everytime, or even at all on the other
>> tracks. You also didn't mention the level you had it set to. I suspect
>> it was rookie which is meant to be easy. ;-)
>No, it was Pro, and no, you can't do it at Monaco, but you can do it
>everywhere else.
And get up to P6? I doubt that very much. Maybe you can gain a few
places this way, but certainly not overtake 2/3rds of the field. Before
posting my original follow-up I did test this out several times over and
A1 was the weakest, but on the other tracks often cars would be 3 wide
not allowing for this kind of thing. Is this with the patch btw?
Perhaps they improved things with the patch.
Well I must have done about 100+ starts in the past couple of weeks and
not once have I had my front wing removed by this kind of behaviour.
Perhaps you were just unlucky. Yeah, sometimes they get things wrong
during the starts and drive as if you're not there (especially when they
move sideways and tap wheels), but the more you understand how to avoid
this, the less this happens. What I've noticed is that, when you're
alongside an AI car they seem to have strict rules as to which part of
the track they think is theirs and which part is yours. As long as you
stick to your part of the track they keep away. As a result, I have
very few side on collisions.
Now why did I suspect you liked GPL? Funnily, when I was talking about
the decent GP3 AI, it was in comparison to GPL (as well as N2k2/3) that
I had in mind.
I must have driven hundreds, if not thousands, of hours against the GPL
AI and, too be honest, it disappoints me. They slide from left to right
(not steer), their overtaking is poor, never making most of the draft.
They actually bleed off speed when overtaking as they move out because
they get too close. Do they ever defend the corner? (Sorry its been a
few weeks since I last played it, but I don't think they do much). Mind
you, they often don't have to, relying on their superior braking
They are extremely predictable. I watched an AI race - and 2 cars in
particular - at Rouen once. The following car was at least a second
quicker a lap, but every lap he would get off line when approaching one
of the least likely corners to overtake on, when he was way too far back
to even stand a chance of making a pass. As a consequence he would lose
at least a second through that corner to the car in front who was taking
the corner normally, having to make it up over the course of the lap, by
which time, when he got to the same corner he would make the same
mistake again. He never got into a decent overtaking situation
throughout the whole race.
The reason you never run into an AI car is because their crash avoidance
is so extreme. Try this:
At Monza as you run down towards the fast sweeping left hander (Ascari I
believe) just after the bridge and before Parabolica. If you are
overtaking an AI car on the left as you get towards the bridge and are
about 2/3rds of a length past it the car, start moving over to the right
side of the track into his line. He will back up so much to avoid any
contact as to drop back by some 2 or 3 seconds. If he was any good he
would have seen you moving across, dropped back slightly and then got in
your slipstream through Ascari ready for a pass on the straight, but
because he wants to avoid any kind of contact he backs off completely.
I won't bother to mention the dodgy physics.
This is not to say I don't enjoy GPL, otherwise why would I have spent
so long on it, but its AI is deeply flawed.
Mmm, sounds familiar to another Papyrus product.
Yeah, haven't raced it for a while, but I do recall its bully-boy
driving style.
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
Remove ALL_STRESS before replying via email
If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me :)
GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77