I know Rick who runs the unofficial and I don't want to offend him or
anything with this but that article must be the most biased, uninformed
article I've ever had the dis-pleasure of reading. I'm surprised at that
author, who appears to be a "true" sim racer.
99% of the article goes on to complain and moan about the lack of "tcp/ip
And all of that rubbish, Would anyone like to take a look here:
and tell me on the 25th of June what they see?
Without wanting to turn this thread into a GPL/GP3 debate, the article
starts on this. yet another reading from the book of Kaemmer it seems. As
some of you know I'm a great fan of GPL but hate to see other sims expelled
"because its not GPL".
The beginning of the article talks about things written on the GP3 forum at
High Gear critizing people for discussing the graphics and screenshots.
Saying it makes him mad when people seem to dissect GP3 yet attacks it in
the following paragraph saying:"Once again without ONLINE game play GP3 will
not be worth the box Crammond puts the disk in."
Now as I said, I'm into attacking Rick or the site, they are great. I've
been visiting his sites since the F1RS site but the writer of this article
(Tom?) has to re-check some things. Aren't article like these supposed to
show both sides? All I see this so Pro-GPL, Anti-everything else attitude.
I can't belive it! I know I'll be flamed for this but I've had my word.