: Hi,
: I am trying to use the car sets found at "The Pits" for ICR2. It does
: see them
: but as soon as I try to select one from the game, it tells me it is
: not a
: valid car set. It did work with one (CART95 I think), but the other 3
: or 4
: (F196_40, CART96,...) won't work. It is not a faulty download as I
: initially
: thought because I redid it and same results. Anybody has got an answer
: for me?
Make sure that the directory name for the new carsets matches the name
of the carset (minus the .dat extension).
Besides you are missing the PPG96.DAT carset ;-) Which of course can be
found at my web site: http://www.teleport.com/~mcarver/autosim.htm
Sorry about that plug folks, but I haven't put in a good plug for
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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