graphic anomolies when activating the mirrors. Specifically, with
mirrors enabled in any mode, I can see only a very faint, blinking image
of the other cars in front of me, but I see their shadows on the ground
with no problems. However, I can see the full image of the cars behind
me in the mirror.
With mirrors disabled, I still get that graphic problem in some of the
views, but the problem goes away in one of the***pit views.
I'm wondering whether anyone else is having a similar experience?
My system is an Athlon 2100XP with Radeon9700Pro (using the Cat 3.7
driver) and TB SantaCruz sound card running under WinXP Pro.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Note: If the only solution is to upgrade the video driver, I'd
appreciate suggestions as to which version to upgrade to. I want to
insure compatibility with GPL, F1C (and the GTR mod) and NR2003