CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

Bobby Upwar

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Bobby Upwar » Wed, 25 Feb 1998 04:00:00

If you don't like CPR,

        Hmm............... interesting conection, wonder what Mr. Freud would
think.  If you don't like something you should immediately find a girl.  To
what?  Talk to her about it?  Take it out on her?

        Just because somebody is pissed off at the quality of a game you assume
they need a life?  Perhaps next time you sit down to write something, you
should perhaps think, a least a little bit, first.

 Bobby Upward

Marc J. Nelso

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Marc J. Nelso » Wed, 25 Feb 1998 04:00:00

For version 1 of CPR, it was obvious to me that MS had taken quite a
few items from previous sims (ICR2, GP2, etc.) to create what they felt
was the ultimate sim...However, Obvious shortcomings in the way the AI
were implemented, underestimating hardware reqs (plus a few other
glaring issues that made the final cut), were all ingredients for a
less_than_spectacular product.

My point being, that MS had (IMHO) copied many items from the above
mentioned sims, but tweaked_and_pulled the software to their own liking.
Let's hope they take note of what's hot (and what works) so that if
they do CPR-2, it'll be a stellar success.



> As for competitive analysis -- allow me one more biased opinion here:
> since Microsoft has always done things there own way, with no regard for
> standards except the doubtful ones they set themselves (recent
> iterations of Word and Excel come to mind), why would they stoop, at
> this late date, to even acknowledging the existence of other software
> manufacturers, let alone taking any lessons from them? MS, as we have
> seen time and again, is a law unto itself...

Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News -

<remove '_*_' before replying>

Marc J. Nelso

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Marc J. Nelso » Wed, 25 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Gee...don't know about you, but my sim-girl has plenty of problems at
the moment, and I'm not sure what to do with  Tell me,
Mr. Sim_Girl_Expert, do you prefer the blonde, or the brunette sim-
girl?  Actually, I thought the sim-blonde was a bit over-rated, and I
always had trouble loading under Win95 D3D...Then I
discovered (as I'm sure you have...nightly) that the blonde actually
is better under 3Dfx, but of course, the Rendition version of the
sim-brunette is quite a knock-out...but I degress...

The problem I see seems to be driver_related.  In your opinion, should
I drive to say, Bakersfield, or should I simply treat
with virtual flowers and soft elevator musak?


Billy (Just a sec Ma...I ain't done yet!) Gates

> Wow, you guys are incredibly  f***en funny. So are your brothers here on
> r.a.s. You don't like the sim. We ALL know that you don't like it. We've
> heard you say it over and over and over and......  If you don't like CPR,
> then why not shut up about it and move on with your lives. Maybe try
> actually talking to a real live girl. If you are too shy, contact your
> favorite sim developer, stick your tongue down the back of their trousers,
> and I'm sure they will make you a really great sim woman that you can play
> with every day and then come to r.a.s. and tell us why it's the best and
> everyone else's sim woman sucks. I know you must be the ultimate experts on
> that subject as well. Also, don't forget to throw in quite a few of those
> clever, sarcastic comments that you think are so entertaining.

> All My Love,

> Dave (Not a Blatantly Obvious Microsoft Hater) Fisher

Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News -

<remove '_*_' before replying>

John Walla

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by John Walla » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

I hope so, since CPR does have quite a lot of redeeming features -
driving just isn't numbered among them.

I'm not sure I'd agree with "really not that bad", since I truly think
it is that bad, but I still hope for a version 2 which addresses the
shortcomings. CPR has a lot to like about it, but unfortunately the
problems were in key areas such as handling and frame-rate which
essentially killed it.

I've yet to enjoy any form of driving in CPR except for hotlapping
alone around Surfer's Paradise, and it is the only sim I can ever
recall that happening with. I even spent many happy weeks with Monster
Truck Madness! :-)

Here's to a quality Version 2 <clink of glasses> :-)


Michael E. Carve

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Michael E. Carve » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

% >I admire your optimism, and I hope for the best as well -- but what
% >about the people who paid good money (pre-Bargain Bin!) for version 1?
% >Do you think it's likely that Microsoft will give v1's involuntary beta
% >testers some kind of price break on the hypothetical v2? As it has never
% >happened before, to my knowledge, it would seem likely that those who

% MS routinely gives rebate coupons ($10 or $20 I forget which) to previous
% owners of MS Flightsim. I would expect the same here. With all the sales
% around Xmas a FS-95 owner could have upgraded to FS-98 for only $19.

With the developing team of CPR gone from MS, what is the "real"
likelihood of there being a version 2 from MS?  It would almost seem
that the "dumping" of the current product could be an indication that MS
has decided not to pursue version 2.  I highly doubt that they would be
dumping the product only 4 months in to it's life.  What happened to the
European release?

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by DAVID G FISHE » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Perhaps. Perhaps I should of. Perhaps.
I would of thought a two year old could understand my comments but I'll try
to explain. Basically, the SAME 8 people have been making the SAME dumb ass,
sarcastic, trying to be amusing but failing, boring, repetitive, childish,
exaggerated, misinformed, comments for the past three months concerning CPR.
They just did it again in their replies to my posting. The fact that they
would harbor such deep resentment towards a piece of software and
continually take time out of their lives to attack it on a newsgroup would
lead any person, with the slightest bit of COMMON SENSE, to see that these
morons probably need to get out of the house sometime. They don't even have
to talk to a girl. Maybe they could just pick up the leaves in the garden?
So if you and the others who responded to my post still don't understand,
disliking a game does not mean you don't have a life. Wasting large amounts
of time whining about it does. I'm familiar with the name John Wallace on
this newsgroup and his opinions about CPR. We disagree almost completely but
at least he makes a point without a load of bullshit tossed in and then
moves on. The people I'm talking about are unable to do the same.

If you want to bring psychology into the discussion, then I wonder what
Freud would think of people who have a very strange, deep resentment and
dislike of, (of all things on earth and in history to dislike) a software
company. I'm talking about the blatant Microsoft haters. It's hard to
believe how ridiculous this little group of people, scattered throughout
the world, appear with their mission to attack the Evil Empire. THAT is
where the repetitive attacks on CPR are based and most people know it.
Again, common sense. Even Freud would probably just kick them in the ass and
say "Get over it!!".

David G Fisher

Barton Spencer Brow

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Barton Spencer Brow » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> >The fact that they would harbor such deep resentment towards a piece of software>>


Ever stop to consider that maybe, just MAYBE, what they really resent

A. Spending money for an unfinished, and maybe NEVER-finished product.

B. Having Microsoft blow in here and announce to everyone that they're
going to produce "the greatest racing sim ever made," and then blow it
by rushing a half-baked product out the door in time for Christmas,

C. Whine and run away when their collapsed souffl nets them
well-deserved howls of derision and anger (would YOU pay 50 bucks for a
collapsed souffl), then...

D. Blame everything on some sort of "Anti-Microsoft Cabal", intent on
kicking Bill's sand castle in his face. That's kind of like the
"Worldwide Monolithic Communism" we used to hear about in the '60s,
primarily as an excuse to waste our own military's lives in inexcusable
foreign adventures that had more to do with money than with
(self-determination". I assure you, I loathe Microsoft for what seem to
me to be very good technical reasons, but I don't know any of the other
people in this NG who feel as I do about CPR, and I hardly have time for
Cabals these days.

Just for the sake of hypothesis, think about those points. Then count
the many messages Microsoft has posted in this newsgroup following the
release of their last lame "patch" (at last count, I've seen -0-, zero,
zilch, nada, nothing). Then ask out loud (remember, Microsoft is
maintaining a presence in this newsgroup to help you, the little guy...)
when, or *if*, Microsoft is going to release a version that actually
works AS ADVERTISED, and what they're going to do for those suckers who
paid to become unwilling and unwitting beta testers for one of the
world's largest corporations.

Do me another favor: don't hold you breath waiting for an answer from MS
-- you're likely to hurt yourself.

Bart Brown


CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Dean » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>Randy BORL wrote
>>I understand the venom directed towards CPR, particularly given the hype
>>it, but its really not that bad.  Its just not done yet.

>Well, that's the big point why I consider C:PR a flop.  It should had been

>Btw, anybody thinks here that the darn track editor was only words. I would
>not be surprised to see the track editor was only on paper, nothing else.
>Heck I remember Dean saying "We will release the track editor very very
>soon". Hmmm it was 3months ago.  I think they lied to us just to make us
>think they are actually working to make the game better <g>.

>Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard on NROS> Sponsored by
>May the downforce be with you and Good race at the Brickyard, (-o-)
>- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
>- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
>- Excuse me for being provocative (I'm dumb speaking)

George Buhr I

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by George Buhr I » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

It's kind of funny, all the "good" reviews of cpr have nothing but praise
for every aspect of the game.  It even won sport game of the year in one of
the major publications.  Unfortunately, none of the reviews ever talk about
lack of flags, or the poor AI, or the poor frame rates, or the auto driving
in the pits, or the controllability issues.  Oh well, at least it looks
good.  Thats what real gamers want, right?

>>I understand the venom directed towards CPR, particularly given the hype
>>it, but its really not that bad.  Its just not done yet.  I hold out some
>>that MS will do a competitive analysis with sims like F1RS and put out a
>>version 2 that will make us all forgive them for the shortcomings of
version 1

>I hope so, since CPR does have quite a lot of redeeming features -
>driving just isn't numbered among them.

>I'm not sure I'd agree with "really not that bad", since I truly think
>it is that bad, but I still hope for a version 2 which addresses the
>shortcomings. CPR has a lot to like about it, but unfortunately the
>problems were in key areas such as handling and frame-rate which
>essentially killed it.

>I've yet to enjoy any form of driving in CPR except for hotlapping
>alone around Surfer's Paradise, and it is the only sim I can ever
>recall that happening with. I even spent many happy weeks with Monster
>Truck Madness! :-)

>Here's to a quality Version 2 <clink of glasses> :-)


George Buhr I

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by George Buhr I » Thu, 26 Feb 1998 04:00:00

I kind of resent what you say in this post.  Yes, I am one who bashes cpr.
I think there is good reason, but I've said enough before and won't "waste
time out of my life"  to explain the reasons again.  Many people have a
ligitimate gripe with the product.  Look what we have to compare it too?
GP2, with one of the best AI's in the racing sim business.  ICR2, one of the
pioneers, and still the best, along with Nascar2.  Even the graphics in
Psygnosis's F1 are better than cpr with better frame rates.  And by the way,
I get out once in a while, as a matter of fact, I race on an international
level, so that might explain why I get upset when a "sim" behaves this bad.
And I own stock in Microsoft.  I want them to make lots of money for a long
time to come.  I just don't like cpr, and if I can save someone some of that
precious hardearned cash by making him or her aware of an inferior product,
I'm going to take time out of my life to do it.

Randy Magrud

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Randy Magrud » Fri, 27 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>I hope so, since CPR does have quite a lot of redeeming features -
>driving just isn't numbered among them.

I guess we'll agree to disagree -- in my opinion, you didn't try hard
enough <ducking> :)

Handling is now a little more difficult than F1RS, mainly because F1RS
cars are inherently (and unrealistically) stable.  You can line up the
car and let go of the wheel and it drives itself in a perfectly
straight line on the straights.  Great for a BMW, but for a F1 car
going over a bumpy circuit at 150+mph?  And you have to be more
gradual with the throttle on turn exits than you do on F1RS, but the
engine is more peaky so its easy to get 'sudden wheelspin' in F1RS.
Frame rate isn't a problem for me, running on a P300.  When I didn't
have the 3DFX, its frame rates were more smooth than those of F1RS
D3D, because the latter got hiccups quite a bit more (this is gone in
the Glide version).

Oh well.


Randy Magruder
Contributing Reviewer
Digital Sportspage


CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by ymenar » Fri, 27 Feb 1998 04:00:00

    Well, thank you for the info. Lol just when I make relive the track
editor on r.a.s.  they decide to put it out +ADs--)  Maybe it's not only a
matter of timing. (hehe).

It's time to take out C:PR out of the shelves and see how this can bring my
Cart experience to a higher level.  High that level could be presently.

My first try will be the Gilles Villeneuve track (more knows has the
Montreal F1 Grand Prix).  Hopefully the editor is simple as SODA's one.

+AD4-John wrote
+AD4-Ok, it came out sooner than I thought :-) You can get the track editor from
+AD4-You will also find information on this page to help you with editing

Fran+AOc-ois M+AOk-nard +ADw-ymenard on NROS+AD4- Sponsored by
May the downforce be with you and Good race at the Brickyard, (-o-)

- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Excuse me for being provocative (I'm dumb speaking)

Holger Reinhard

CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Holger Reinhard » Fri, 27 Feb 1998 04:00:00

A local store here in Stuttgart, Germany has it since Monday, so I guess
it will be available in other countries in the next days.

         Holger Reinhardt


CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by Jo » Fri, 27 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Whjat kind of wierd *** theory is this now? I've seen literally
dozens of people harshly criticizing CPR (mostly for frame-rate,
handling, and AI issues) on this forum alone.

You've spent more time whining about them than they do about the game.
Guess that means you don't have a life.

I've seen almost NONE of those here, one or two (usually some kid
passing through) at most. There are a few who go into spastic
over-reaction when anyone criticizes a Microsoft product for any
reason. But I don't pretend to understand the psychology of that
particular form of madness.



CPR is now practically in the Bargain Bin

by NUKE » Fri, 27 Feb 1998 04:00:00

My frame rates were just great, it was really cool how MS made a racing sim
that showed a series of constantly updating still shots. Hell I musta got
the thing working real good, had a frame rate of about 3-4 an hour

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