This game needs work thats for sure.
My main beef is why the hell cant I low side on the pavements? I throw
it in a turn hell bent for leather and it just casually drives off the
outside of the turn then crashes as soon as it hits the grass/gravel.
Wheelies could use toning down. Are they really THAT wheelie sensitive?
And if they are that powerful I sure as hell should be able to break
loose the back tire on the exit of turns which it doesnt seem to let
me. Again, I cant crash.
I can't lock up the front tire? Wrong.
Steering seems funky too. Seems way too difficult to accurately 'input
in' the proper amount of turn force. I tried many different settings.
Excellent controller menu btw but racing gfx are kind of icky. No popup
is nice though.
Guess I'll have to wait awhile till some company gets it right.