to get the feel for F1C - F12002 was the same.
I have an athlon XP 1600 & Geforce 3 ti200. I turn the graphics down to
800x600 and get reasonable 40+ frame rates.
I just can`t get a feel for the car. Tried Ferrari in season F12002 at
I am using a MSFF wheel - using split axis.
Please help with some controller config tips. What should sensitivity &
deadzone be ?
I have set the high physics rate. Any other general configuration
suggestions ?
As I said I am no newbie I can do 1.28.xx at monza in GPL - I have
experimented with F1C but just can`t get the feel where I am pushing the car
and my abilities rather than wrestling with the config.
Maybe it is a setup thing - I used default f`12002 setup - removed some
fuel. Any top tips on setup ?
I work long hours and don`t get much spare time to experiment so I want to
get on and enjoy the game.
I want to like it - please help me.