I can't speak for all Americans, but I really enjoy all racing. With Nascar
money now going behind the Dayton Prototype Series, I can see a lot of
growth there over the next few years. I would like to see the resurgence of
road racing in the US. Up until the 70s it was very strong, but with the
extra expense and all that went with it, the local SCCA amateur clubs all
dried up and along with that a lot of the popularity. I can't remember the
last time the F1 series was as interesting as it has been the last two
years. Things like the call from FIA on Hamilton a couple of weeks ago don't
help, but hey.......Nascar does the same thing on occasion......:-).
Politics is very strong in all types of racing. In iRacing, you can get 0x
contact between cars in all series, road courses included. It is just harder
to do in a road race than an oval because of the speed differences. On an
oval, the speeds are usually very similar between two cars racing for
position and a slight tap is easier to do. In road racing, the overtaking
car usually is dependent upon a mistake by the car in front and the closure
rate is usually much quicker so that contact is usually much harder. I do
find that the incident system is much too tough in road racing compared to
ovals when a tire off can get you 2-4 points off your iRating. You don't see
nearly as many 4.99 ratings in road racing as you do on the ovals.