Hi all you Brickyard fans!!!
I don't what's the problem. Some people like Eric T.Busch are sending
Post that I don't even no why. WHO'S Richard Manning????? Why does he
have some trouble?????? I'M THE ONE that post the indy track before
EVERYBODY. I live in Canada so U.S.A. rules don't work with me. And why
do people don't like what I did??????? What's the problem with all
P.S.: I'm going now, playing the Brickyard... Sorry for all of that
don't want to download it because it U.S.A. illegal.
O O Go RubensB., go J.Gordon, go J.Villeneuve, go G.Moore!!
< And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
--- from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nicolas Mnard "Nien Numb"
May the force be with you, always!!
Tu ne peut sous-estimer le pouvoir du c?t obscur!! (for you French
Excuse me for my poor English (I'm French speaking)