Dear everybody,
I did not know that it was illegal. I'm not cracking or hacking
or sending ***o photos or something like this. NO!. I just send a
Indianapolis track for all the simulator racing fans!! It's just for
fun!! Not like hacking or ***o photos. I would never do things like
this. I post the track just to make people happy. It's not a software
it's just a track!! JUST A TRACK! I'm just 16 and don't want to get
into any trouble. Remember, JUST TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY. I received some
applause by E-mail and didn't know it was illegal. It would not make
this E-mail if it was false. I didn't know. Just this. MAKE PEOPLE
HAPPY!!! Next time I want to make people happy I will do nothing. We
live in a world were possesion are important. I don't approuve it but
it's the world of ***s. I'm just 16 and looking for FUN and making
people HAPPY. I'm not finish here in COME ON
EVERYBODY. Be youung for a while, have fun, it's so SIMPLE!. Also a
guy named Mosh!! send also the Indy track. He's not the first. I'm the
one!! Je m'excuse sincrement!
O O Go RubensB., go J.Gordon, go J.Villeneuve, go G.Moore!!
< And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
--- from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nicolas Mnard "Nien Numb"
May the force be with you, always!!
Tu ne peut sous-estimer le pouvoir du c?t obscur!! (for you French
Excuse me for my poor English (I'm French speaking)