I will reply once & only once in regards to your comments.
[A] I don't know Marc & his subjective opinions belongs to
he, not me..
[B] I'll never 'tear' down any sim/game with seemingly good
quality graphics but this does not make the sim good, yet!
[C] I am 'Extremely Serious' about my past & semi-present
career so when I make a comment about graphics it is not a
statement made 'lightly'!
[D] I saw really good graphics in the article and if it is better
in the sim via 3D it will be on my list to check out.
[E] I will never try or buy any Ubi-soft titles again after their
obtuse treatment to a paying customer..
[F] Lastly your name was brought up to me by them not by
me to them! It is amazing who knows what is going on here
in RAS, Vroc & Gpl. Take it for what it is worth as I really
dont care what you say or dont say in RAS.. For me, your
credibility was lost awhile ago..
| BTW, have you two read any of the posts in this thread besides mine?
| Stop smoking the dope.
| David G Fisher
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