According to PC Gamer this lot are due this year.....
Formula One 99 - Psygnosis/Take2
Didn't get a good review (69%) in this issue.
Saw a clip last night on ***net (a UK Computer Games Program) and more
arcadey than sim.
Note: brakes not needed.
4 Wheel Thunder - Kalisto - 4th quarter.
Daft looking things.
Beetle Crazy Cup - Chaos Effect - 1st quarter.
Monster truck game.
Carmageddon TDR 2000 - Torus - 3rd Quarter.
Crash, bang, wallop and splat.
Colin McRae Rally 2 - Codemasters - 2nd Quarter.
Looks neat.
Destruction Derby 3 -Studio 3 - 4th Quarter.
Driver 2 - Reflections - 4th quarter.
Formula 1 Grand Prix 3 - Hasbro (boo!!) - 2nd Quarter.
F1 World Grand Prix - Lankhor - 1st Quarter.
1999 season and split-screen action....hmmmmm.
F1 2000 - EA Sports - 2nd Quarter.
Maybe a surprise contender......according to mag write up.
GTA Crimeworld - DMA Design - TBA.
Indycar - Paradigm - 3rd Quarter.
From the makers of serious military sims and Pilotwings on N64.
Sounds promising.
Isle of Man TT Manx - Midas - 4th Quarter.
Please God make it good and true.
ps: I want to be Geoff Duke.
Midtown Madness 2 - Angel - 3rd Quarter.
Got first for xmas.......not very happy.
Millenium Racer - Cryo - 1st Quarter.
Motorbike game.......futuristic.
Motocross Madness 2 - Rainbow Studios - 2nd Quarter.
First one made me seasick.
Midnight GT - Rage - 2nd Quarter.
Nice screenshot.
Nightmare Racing - Future - TBA.
Futuristic cars, trucks and bikes.
Need for Speed: Motor City - EA - 1st Quarter.
Never played any of em.......any good?
Off - Road - Rage - 1st Quarter.
Looks okay.
RallyMasters - Digital Illusions - 1st Quarter.
A contender.
Rally Racing Simulation - Ubi-Soft - 1st Quarter.
Pre-rendered shot looks great.
Rollcage Stage II - Attention to Detail - 3rd Quarter.
Fast and bouncy.
Stunt GP - Habro (boo!!) - 1st Quarter.
Think of a radio-controlled stunt car racer.
South Park Rally - Tantalus - 1st Quarter.
Cartman in a car.......
Super 1 Karting - Midas - 1st Quarter.
Superbike 2000 - Milestone - 1st Quarter.
Saw Playstation (cough..spit) version on ***net last night and even on
that toy it looked stunning....gonna buy this come what may.
Test Drive Cycles - Accolade - 2nd Quarter.
Ho hum........
Tread Marks - Digital Arts - 1st Quarter.
Tank racing......!!!!!!
The Italian Job - Sci - 4th Quarter.
You're only supposed to blow the ***y doors off.
Worlds Sports Cars - Empire - 2nd Quarter.
Good this looks interesting.
And thats it.........
Start saving.......
For me its.
1. GP3
2. Isle of Man TT.......please, please do it right.
3. Indycar...think it might be other that right.?
Hope this helps.