May 27, 1997
Press Release:
Subject: RASPY 97 - "Racing Auto-Simulation Product of Year"
The IVGA has awarded the "RASPY" to K2I for the best product
in 1997 for auto-racing simulation hardware. K2I sells a great
product called "Verbal Commander". The Verbal commander can
be used with Sierra's Nascar 1 and Nascar 2 auto-racing
simulation games as well as Sierra's Indycar 2. The product
allows the drivers to talk to the sim while driving and bring
up information displays, ie, such as, tires conditions,
temperatures, gasoline left in the tank, position of other
drivers on the track and you can make adjustments before you
pit. All you have to do is talk and change your tire
pressure, stagger and other pitting varibles. You are able
to race the car and communicate and your hands never leave
the wheel.
IVGA President, Don Wilshe says, "I have worked voice recognition
products for over 25 years and this is the first one that
works.." We receive such high praise from so many of the IVGA
members. And even considering all the graphics products to chose
from our choice for 1997 was still a "NO-BRAINER"..!!
Please visit the K2I site on the web and check it out...
Gidget Jackson, Public Relations
PS. Dave Thayer and Qaz B. Morphin have written excellent
guides for the use of this K2I product in the IVGA Unoffical
NASCAR 2 manual at
PSS. Let us not forget to mention others on the 1996/1997
Verbal Commander Team that provider great input all year
long.. They are: