And here you answered your own question ;-)
All it takes is someone to organise it, you don't need prizes or sponsorship
(nice to have but not essential). Why don't you have a go & set it up?
And here you answered your own question ;-)
All it takes is someone to organise it, you don't need prizes or sponsorship
(nice to have but not essential). Why don't you have a go & set it up?
I'm more of an idea man ;)
I think if it were to be any more then "just another league" it needs a
sense of commitment to the organization to properly advertise/recruit
and run it objectively. In order to be legitimately crowned "world"
champ, I think you'd need to recruit a few hundred drivers to compete
and not a few dozen. Some tangible goal (prizes) would help.
Plus it would be worth knowing if somebody who could accell at all
these sim disciplines could do so in a real car... (teams are always
looking for drivers).
Sorry, meant to say teams are always looking for the next magic
Sennalike talent... ;)
We've done full races in the past, as well as a 44 lap race at the Ring...
GPLRank -6.0 MoGPL rank +267.80
Ch.Rank +52.58
Hist. +82.34
N2k3 rank: -1.182
Slayer Spektera lvl 79 assassin
Slayer Spectral_K lvl 44 Necro
US East