Haven't braked for T1 yet. Knew I must be doing something wrong.... ;-)
Haven't braked for T1 yet. Knew I must be doing something wrong.... ;-)
>Haven't braked for T1 yet. Knew I must be doing something wrong.... ;-)
> >>One other small tip - the finish line is funny in that you need to
> >>brake slightly before the S/F line to get a good line into T1. On a
> >>fast lap, DON'T brake and just accept the next lap will be screwed.
> >>This can save a tenth or two from your laptime.
> >Haven't braked for T1 yet. Knew I must be doing something wrong.... ;-)
> Oops, "lifted off" would have been correct! :-) I assume you are
> lifting off, and aren't taking the corner flat in third/fourth?
Yep, I need to lift in order to get the car to turn in, although I
usually do so just after the s/f line rather than before it. I'll
experiment with lifting a little earlier although I don't think I'm
actually losing any time through the Esses.
I've got down to the 1:07s (only just - 1:07.95 <g>) but my main problem
is getting the turn in right after braking. I think I'm getting off the
brakes in time but might just be deluding myself ;-) So I'm taking it
pretty easy into the slower corners, trouble is as a result I can't help
feeling that I'm losing half a second at the last corner alone!
Anyone else out there like the Brabbham? It's probably the slowest of the
three in GP mode but it's reduced power means that you can throw it about
a lot more than the other two. Great fun!
Ohh, ***y hell, Richard, I'm at 1:08.04 :o). Well, this wont do, back to
GPL :o).
/Christer, really lost without my wings :o)