Yes, I was in one of those hundred-car fields of Neons (no, I think it was
the Plymouth GLT, a pocket rocket if ever there was one) at Mid-O during a
Car and Driver Reader Challenge or something. I also ran an NSU Prinz in
the Lime Rock Little LeMans ("little sedans for little Le Mans" or, as the
great David E. Davis, Jr., once memorably called them, "sh*tty little cars
for sh*tty little people"), but "glorious" isn't a word that springs readily
to mind to describe the field (OR the driving). We had a giant screwdriver
stick in the *** tunnel after the shift lever broke off, but it got stuck
in 2nd gear...not quite what you want at The Rock.
> > Um, is there going to be another car (marque/model) for the 330
> > Classic mod?
> > It's not that I don't love the 330 P4--it was one of the greatest race
> > cars ever--but Ferrari only built 4 of 'em, and it seems a little
> > silly to have a whole field (43?) of 'em running around as if they
> > were as common as Dodge Neons.
> > How abt. their main competition, the Ford GT40. Or the Porsche 917
> > (which actually came a scosh later)? Or the Chaparral 2D (or its
> > winged sister, the 2F)?
> > Not complaining; just asking.
> The uspits is the place to ask that question. Everyone of those cars
> mentioned were nominated by users. I beleive he's going to be making a
> 4 car mod but I haven't paid too much attention to that subject. With
> the Bullrun 1000 comming up I'm much too busy writing fake press
> releases.
> The Pit's TPTCC online league is dicussing running the 330 mod on off
> weeks and one member has even broached the idea of donating several
> hundred dollars as prize money to lure competitors for the so-called 2nd
> season. I beleive ISRL or one of those Euro leagues is already planning
> competition based on the 330 mod. Looks like folks have taken quite a
> liking to this effort.
> dave henrie
> of my fondest moments in TV race watching was one of the
> first broadcasts by Speedvision of the SCCA runnoffs...yes dang near 40
> Dodge Neons and a few outmucscled Mazda Miata's went at it around Mid
> Ohio. What a GLORIOUS sight that was. <no comments JD!!!!>
> dave henrie