I've been running NFS-PU for a couple weeks now (nope, not GPL, but
entertaining nonetheless :) and wanted to try it online. I've created
an account on the EA Racing site. When I go to start an "Internet
Race", I'm prompted to download an upgrade. When I agree to do this,
I get the following error box/message:
"Error Starting Program
The EAUPDATE.EXE file is
linked to missing export
If I decline the update (cancel), I'm sent back to the main screen.
I'm running Windows 95 (4.00.950a), I have a KERNEL32.DLL in my
Windows\System directory, version 4.00.951, dated 2/2/96. I have
NFS-PU installed on my G: partition.
I've looked all over the EA NFS-PU and EA Racing sites and see
mention of the NFS-PU version 3.5 patch (apparently required for
online racing), but no mention of where to download it or how install
it myself. :(
Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be or how to work
around it? Thanks in advance.