> Eeeeek! More heresy! To the stake with him! I think Satan has taken
> control of this newsgroup! Can you see these things when you press f 10?
Eeeeek! Get that stake away from me!
Heck, I don't use the darned thing, I just responded to a question. :-) I'm
a confirmed in-car guy, myself. But yes, you can see the digital readouts
in F10 (chase) view, I suppose because the analog gauges don't work then. I
can't see any advantage to the digital displays, aside from the novelty of
seeing your speed while driving. That wears off in about 10 seconds and is
basically useless anyway. But for anyone who has issues with the 3D
***pit's movement and wants to drive OFFLINE with an overlay-type***pit
view, it IS do-able. By going to a more wide-angle view, you can even get
more peripheral vision, though that does *** fisheye-like things to the
perspective if you overdo it.
All in the interest of science,
Steve B.