THANKS to all for this thread -- I tried upping the front tire
pressure a bit on some of my setups for the much-maligned ABC Indy
Racing sim, and I've found some VERY usable setups for Indy and
C***te now as a result -- THANKS! Seems I was going too low on the
pressure looking for more grip; never thought about responsiveness and
turn-in (I'm a bonehead, I guess). Anyway, your advice made the
FWIW, ABC Indy Racing has a very decent physics model -- I know a lot
of people really bashed this game when it came out, but the default
setups suck, which is a major problem. Spend some time in the garage,
though, and you can REALLY dial-in a great setup (and the physics
works just like it should in response to your chassis tinkering).
With the right hardware, you CAN go wheel-to-wheel for lap after lap
with the AI, and they aren't really all that much worse than the AI in
Viper Racing or SCGT. There was no damage model, though, and given
the great damage model in sims like ICR2, I think that was the nail in
the coffin for this sim. Oddly enough, it seems that this lack of a
damage model isn't going to have the same effect on SCGT's popularity.
Times change, opinions change, I guess.
At any rate, thanks for the advice to all you tire-meisters out there!
-- JB
On Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:55:36 +1000, James Pickard
>Youi right
>high psi.. more resposive.. but less TOTAL grip
>lower. less responisve.. but higher overal grip..
>BUT.. should be set to EVEN the tire temps...
>PS.. pity SCGT does do temps :-(
>> The manual says raise the tire P's for better handling and grip. If I recall
>> from my autox days, lower pressures are better for grip (up to a point), but
>> sacrifice responsiveness. Anyway, isn't the pressure supposed to be set to
>> give even tire T's (but that's another SCGT beef...). Basically, have they
>> simplified this aspect too much, and incorrectly?