> Will you guys stop trying to***on each other's boot?
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
> This clown has earned every bit of Mistrust, and disrespect he gets Joeseph.
Pie Iesu domine,...
...dona eis requiem.
Pie Iesu domine,...
...dona eis requiem.
CROWD: A witch! A witch!
A witch! A witch!
MONKS: [chanting] Pie Iesu domine...
CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch! A witch! We've found a witch! A
A witch! A witch! A witch! We've got a witch! A witch! A
witch! Burn
her! Burn her! Burn her! We've found a witch! We've found a
witch! A
witch! A witch! A witch!
VILLAGER #1: We have found a witch. May we burn her?
CROWD: Burn her! Burn! Burn her! Burn her!
BEDEVERE: How do you know she is a witch?
VILLAGER #2: She looks like one.
CROWD: Right! Yeah! Yeah!
BEDEVERE: Bring her forward.
WITCH: I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch.
BEDEVERE: Uh, but you are dressed as one.
WITCH: They dressed me up like this.
CROWD: Augh, we didn't! We didn't...
WITCH: And this isn't my nose. It's a false one.
VILLAGER #1: Well, we did do the nose.
BEDEVERE: The nose?
VILLAGER #1: And the hat, but she is a witch!
VILLAGER #2: Yeah!
CROWD: We burn her! Right! Yeaaah! Yeaah!
BEDEVERE: Did you dress her up like this?
VILLAGER #2 and 3: No. No.
VILLAGERS #2 and #3: No.
VILLAGER #1: Yes. Yeah, a bit.
VILLAGER #3: A bit.
VILLAGERS #1 and #2: A bit.
VILLAGER #3: A bit.
VILLAGER #1: She has got a wart.
RANDOM: [cough]
BEDEVERE: What makes you think she is a witch?
VILLAGER #3: Well, she turned me into a newt.
VILLAGER #3: I got better.
VILLAGER #2: Burn her anyway!
VILLAGER #1: Burn!
CROWD: Burn her! Burn! Burn her!...
BEDEVERE: Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! There are ways of telling
she is a witch.
VILLAGER #1: Are there?
VILLAGER #1: What are they?
CROWD: Tell us! Tell us!...
BEDEVERE: Tell me, what do you do with witches?
VILLAGER #2: Burn!
VILLAGER #1: Burn!
CROWD: Burn! Burn them up! Burn!...
BEDEVERE: And what do you burn apart from witches?
VILLAGER #1: More witches!
VILLAGER #2: Wood!
BEDEVERE: So, why do witches burn?
VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of... wood?
BEDEVERE: Good! Heh heh.
CROWD: Oh yeah. Oh.
BEDEVERE: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her.
BEDEVERE: Ah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
VILLAGER #1: Oh, yeah.
RANDOM: Oh, yeah. True. Uhh...
BEDEVERE: Does wood sink in water?
VILLAGER #1: No. No.
VILLAGER #2: No, it floats! It floats!
VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond!
CROWD: The pond! Throw her into the pond!
BEDEVERE: What also floats in water?
VILLAGER #1: Bread!
VILLAGER #2: Apples!
VILLAGER #3: Uh, very small rocks!
VILLAGER #1: Cider!
VILLAGER #2: Uh, gra-- gravy!
VILLAGER #1: Cherries!
VILLAGER #3: Churches! Churches!
VILLAGER #2: Lead! Lead!
ARTHUR: A duck!
CROWD: Oooh.
BEDEVERE: Exactly. So, logically...
VILLAGER #1: If... she... weighs... the same as a duck,... she's made
of wood.
BEDEVERE: And therefore?
VILLAGER #2: A witch!
VILLAGER #1: A witch!
CROWD: A witch! A witch!...
VILLAGER #4: Here is a duck. Use this duck.
[quack quack quack]
BEDEVERE: We shall use my largest scales.
CROWD: Ohh! Ohh! Burn the witch! Burn the witch! Burn her! Burn
Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Ahh! Ahh...
BEDEVERE: Right. Remove the supports!
CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch!
WITCH: It's a fair cop.
VILLAGER #3: Burn her!
CROWD: Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn! Burn!...
BEDEVERE: Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?
ARTHUR: I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
BEDEVERE: My liege!
ARTHUR: Good Sir Knight, will you come with me to Camelot, and join us
at the
Round Table?
BEDEVERE: My liege! I would be honored.
ARTHUR: What is your name?
BEDEVERE: Bedevere, my liege.
ARTHUR: Then I dub you Sir Bedevere, Knight of the Round Table.
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
I'm sure Don enjoys all this attention. C'mon Don, admit it - you're cracking
up at all this, aren't you?
Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~epickett
Screamers Racing League
IICC League
GPLRank -2.4 MoGPL rank +302.38
ChallengeRank +54.48 MoC +743.77
Hist. +82.82 MoH in progress
N2k3 rank:in progress
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
> Hey Goy are you trying to be the Jason Lemberg of RAS? lol
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
Personal insults, how nice. And you say I need to grow up? lol
PS Point out my mistakes, please. I'm interested in seeing them, coming
from you.
PSS Wonder why Don ISN'T in the VRW, and never will be? Thought so.
> > lol Try reading comprehension sometime, you may learn something
> > Most people fall for people's BS because they don't know any better
> without
> > learning about someone first. When a group of people learn about
> > from READING, they make more informed decisions. You obviously DON'T
> > the circumstances behind Don and the VRW, or else you would know why he
> > isn't racing there. Denial, look up that the word and educate yourself.
> > It's not about liking or disliking someone (Don might be a great person
> when
> > you meet him, my brother has), but your reputation is all you have in
> > internet world, and he has proven over and over again what kind of
> he
> > is. Like I have said numerous times, you can accept the facts, or deny
> > them. You choose to deny them. Your choice. But stating them for
> > is helping the community overall. You make your choices based on
> > opinion, not the facts. Good for you.
> > And yes, I was behind the scenes. Do you even know who figured it out?
> > Enlighten us on your all-knowing behind-the-scenes knowledge, please.
> Then
> > others will have even more knowledge to make a decision about Don.
> > do.
Don Wilshe
The difference between me and my protractors is I use my real name and i
phone numbers where anyone can call me ! But again.. thanks TDRacin as you
are the
best to keep me in the spot light.. lol...
Best Regards
> Best Regards
> > lol It's GRAMMAR!! DUHHHHHHH!!!!! lol Get a
> > And, continue falling for Don's BS. But let others be warned of his
> > Nim and Schill weren't who figured it out. <shakes head>
> > Personal insults, how nice. And you say I need to grow up? lol
> > PS Point out my mistakes, please. I'm interested in seeing them,
> > from you.
> > PSS Wonder why Don ISN'T in the VRW, and never will be? Thought so.
Schill is not a part of the VRW, so not sure why you emailed him concerning
Me on Sierra trashing Wilshe? Never happened since I have rarely raced him,
and getting beat by someone isn't a problem. Ask Jure.
Insults? Where?
Make sure you know what you are talking about before you make silly
statements. Don and no one else has ever kicked my ass in VRW, I have never
raced there. :)
Explain how someone claiming to be a real-life sprint car driver can be on
here racing, while winning on a real track in FL. Coincidence Don wanted
in, then wasn't allowed, and then someone who Don owns the name of signs up?
Believe what you want to believe, but I have already told you many times
what it's called when you don't want to admit something.
And finally, I would stop trying to insult one's grammar when you make
mistakes every other sentence.
PS My seat? It's still here, but since I don't race anymore, my son uses
> Best Regards
> > lol It's GRAMMAR!! DUHHHHHHH!!!!! lol Get a
> > And, continue falling for Don's BS. But let others be warned of his
> > Nim and Schill weren't who figured it out. <shakes head>
> > Personal insults, how nice. And you say I need to grow up? lol
> > PS Point out my mistakes, please. I'm interested in seeing them,
> > from you.
> > PSS Wonder why Don ISN'T in the VRW, and never will be? Thought so.
Speaking of facts, this whole thread has turned into why Don isn't in the
VRW. It's not based on not having a clue about anything, I assure you.
PS You live in Cincinatti huh? My brother and sister do to. Maybe you can
buy me a beer next time I am there. IF you are man enough to come out from
behind your alias. If you want to know who I am, I'm easy to find.
> EL
> > Well bright boy sorry for the spelling its been a rough week.
> > I got a clue watching you online(Sierra) trashing Wilshe in front of
> > a chat room full of people because he beat you and some
> > of your friends. It seems you can't beat him on the track so
> > you try beating him with your mouth. Seems like *** envy
> > to me. You can't cut it Tom Thumb. Your a little man, with a
> > small mind and a big mouth. Nice combo!
> > Whats the matter can't take a few insults? You can dish
> > them out but can't take them. How sad, cry me a river or in
> > your case a creek.
> > You can trace an IP wow what a great trick! Why can't you
> > name the racer? There are three other people that race from
> > Don's IP. Didn't know that did you mister IP tracer. You were
> > wrong about him racing.
> > Don isn't in VRW because Nim didn't want him there. His beef
> > with Wilshe goes back past your limited memory. Ask him about
> > kicking Alec Flory out of his league because he was waxing his ass
> > years ago.Wilshe defended him and got the same treatment.
> > Its Nims choice and I don't have a problem with it. But I do know
> > it wasn't Don that was racing. I also know that the person that was
> > racing kicked your little ass and those of your buddies.
> > Your mistake had someone removed from the league that wasn't
> > the person you thought. If its a crime to race on another persons
> > network let me know.
> > By the way I answered your questions. Can't you answer mine?
> > Still racing from your baby chair? ROFL
> > Tiny Tim the all knowing, all seeing sage. Timmay can trace an IP
> > dammed impressive. LMAO
> > "Thought so" Yes you are a bright one even though the concept is
> > alien to you!
> > By the way I emailed Nim and Schill after your false accusations
> > because they make the calls. I didn't realize I should have included
> > Kreskin Doyle as well. LOL
> > Word of advice. Keeping shaking your head and you'll do yourself an
> > injury. Its too big for your body.
> > By the way I love your grammar! While I think of it, your
> > diction,vocabulary
> > and sentence structure need some work as well. Mines not perfect either
> > we can work on it together.
> > Its okay for you to go out of your way to take cheap shots at people
> > how do you like it?
> > I must apologize for rambling, its been fun Timmy.
> > I needed a good laugh, sorry its at your expense. Hope we can still be
> > friends.
> > Best Regards
> message
> > > lol It's GRAMMAR!! DUHHHHHHH!!!!! lol Get a
> clue.
> > > And, continue falling for Don's BS. But let others be warned of his
> past.
> > > Nim and Schill weren't who figured it out. <shakes head>
> > > Personal insults, how nice. And you say I need to grow up? lol
> > > PS Point out my mistakes, please. I'm interested in seeing them,
> coming
> > > from you.
> > > PSS Wonder why Don ISN'T in the VRW, and never will be? Thought so.
> Speaking of facts, this whole thread has turned into why Don isn't in the
> VRW. It's not based on not having a clue about anything, I assure you.
> PS You live in Cincinatti huh? My brother and sister do to. Maybe you
> buy me a beer next time I am there. IF you are man enough to come out
> behind your alias. If you want to know who I am, I'm easy to find.
> > Pete, a fact of life is that people can say pretty much anything they
> > without having to bear responsibility for it. This world is full of
> > minded, ignorant individuals who espouse knowledge of something they
> no
> > clue of. Talk is cheap, facts are a differen't story. My statement to
> > would be Give Me the Facts.
> > EL
> > > Well bright boy sorry for the spelling its been a rough week.
> > > I got a clue watching you online(Sierra) trashing Wilshe in front
> > > a chat room full of people because he beat you and some
> > > of your friends. It seems you can't beat him on the track so
> > > you try beating him with your mouth. Seems like *** envy
> > > to me. You can't cut it Tom Thumb. Your a little man, with a
> > > small mind and a big mouth. Nice combo!
> > > Whats the matter can't take a few insults? You can dish
> > > them out but can't take them. How sad, cry me a river or in
> > > your case a creek.
> > > You can trace an IP wow what a great trick! Why can't you
> > > name the racer? There are three other people that race from
> > > Don's IP. Didn't know that did you mister IP tracer. You were
> > > wrong about him racing.
> > > Don isn't in VRW because Nim didn't want him there. His beef
> > > with Wilshe goes back past your limited memory. Ask him about
> > > kicking Alec Flory out of his league because he was waxing his ass
> > > years ago.Wilshe defended him and got the same treatment.
> > > Its Nims choice and I don't have a problem with it. But I do know
> > > it wasn't Don that was racing. I also know that the person that was
> > > racing kicked your little ass and those of your buddies.
> > > Your mistake had someone removed from the league that wasn't
> > > the person you thought. If its a crime to race on another persons
> > > network let me know.
> > > By the way I answered your questions. Can't you answer mine?
> > > Still racing from your baby chair? ROFL
> > > Tiny Tim the all knowing, all seeing sage. Timmay can trace an IP
> > > dammed impressive. LMAO
> > > "Thought so" Yes you are a bright one even though the concept is
> > > alien to you!
> > > By the way I emailed Nim and Schill after your false accusations
> > > because they make the calls. I didn't realize I should have included
> > > Kreskin Doyle as well. LOL
> > > Word of advice. Keeping shaking your head and you'll do yourself
> > > injury. Its too big for your body.
> > > By the way I love your grammar! While I think of it, your
> > > diction,vocabulary
> > > and sentence structure need some work as well. Mines not perfect
> so
> > > we can work on it together.
> > > Its okay for you to go out of your way to take cheap shots at
> > > how do you like it?
> > > I must apologize for rambling, its been fun Timmy.
> > > I needed a good laugh, sorry its at your expense. Hope we can still be
> > > friends.
> > > Best Regards
> > message
> > > > lol It's GRAMMAR!! DUHHHHHHH!!!!! lol Get a
> > clue.
> > > > And, continue falling for Don's BS. But let others be warned of his
> > past.
> > > > Nim and Schill weren't who figured it out. <shakes head>
> > > > Personal insults, how nice. And you say I need to grow up? lol
> > > > PS Point out my mistakes, please. I'm interested in seeing them,
> > coming
> > > > from you.
> > > > PSS Wonder why Don ISN'T in the VRW, and never will be? Thought