I have just built a prototype wheel mounted keyboard. It puts all the
keyboard commands needed during actual driving conditions at my thumbs
reach, so that I never have to take my hands off the wheel to change my
pit status, check laps times, or do an auto chat message. I have found
that as I get used to it I can press the buttons without even having to
take my eyes off the screen.
I was motivated to build the wheel for Nascar1/Hawaii Nascar2/NRO online
racing. Having to enter keyboard commands can be very distracting in
close quarters online racing where you don't have the luxury of pausing
the game.
I simply mounted the keyboard to my T2, and so far it seems to work
fine. I have received some interest in this, and some have suggested
that I build some of these units to sell. I have some things to work on
to make a unit durable and reliable enough to sell. It looks like it
will take $50 to $80 in parts, plus a few hours of labor. I'm sure the
labor time would go way down once I finalized a consistent design, and
did it 2 or 3 times.
It seems to me that the greatest need for this type of thing would be
for online racing. Mine is built with Nascar 1 & 2 in mind. I really
have no idea what sort of keyboard controls would be necessary for other
sims. It might be impossible to build one unit that is suitable for
multiple sims, but 3 or 4 varieties with different sims in mind. Those
of you with Indycar 2, GP1, NFS and other sims let me know what keyboard
controls would be necessary.
My other concern is this. My prototype is attached to my T2. To
actually build and sell units I would have to have a generic attachment
that could go on several wheel varities. I am not sure of the specs and
measurements of other wheels. Those of you who own others let me know.
Do you think there would be enough interest in this kind of project to
make it worthwhile? Would people be willing to pay in the ballpark of
$150 for something like this? I've thought about putting up some
information on how I did it on the web, but I have never done that
before, and I realize that many don't have the patience or know how for
this kind of thing. Oh well, I'm interested in as much feedback as I
can get. Let me know what you think? Thanks!