As you know, I'd love to keep running the F1 cars, even if some of the
others decide to do something else. We can find a time and server for it I'm
sure. Also, a season coinciding with the real races would be fun.
I (quickly and poorly) edited together a small collection of clips from some
tight moments during a couple of our races. Should give a little peek as to
what racing these cars can be like. It's made with the demo version of Fraps
(might get the full version soon) and Windows Movie Maker.
David G Fisher
> I'm up for anything on a road course. If it's to replace the F1 stuff I'll
> go with Dave on what we do - we put a lot of time into F1C.
> Regards
> > Well, how about it? The F1 schedule is done now. Hope you guys had a
> good
> > time at Spa today, wish I could have made it. I suggest a break for the
> > holidays and then let's start up a touring car series in January, same
> time
> > (and place, if we can talk Eldred into it:). There are a ton of good
> > tracks for NR2003 at the Pits and at Project Wildfire, enough to make
> a
> > complete series without requiring people to get Noonan's converter.
> > using TPTCC or something similar gives us a dedicated server, which I'm
> sure
> > Eldred will appreciate. Any interest?