: : : > 'cheating' is eliminated. So, when you <ESC> from a race to go to the
: : : > bathroom,etc... NASCAR shows the track menu where you can see the replay,
: : How many drivers pause the race to go to the bathroom in reality?
: : You should be playing arcade games not SIMULATIONS! ;-)
: How many real race car drivers pause to watch a reply? ;)
: If I can pause/save a flight simulator, I should be able to pause/save
: (without cheating) the NASCAR simulator unless of course, flight
: simulators are arcade games... ;)
Perhaps you shouldn't be able to pause FSs ;-) Certainly Gunship 2000
etc. would be rather different if they conformed to reality... :-)
Actually, I often do try to complete a whole season without a single
replay or other pause, making it more realistic. I generally insert
a week or two gap between races, in order to `forget the course' I
have just raced, and thus to match more closely the reality of F1
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Goodricke College,
University of York,
York, YO1 5DD, UK "God preserve us from religious nutters"