With the NR03 CD selling for 90-120 USD, and since you cant get one from
Sierra anymore (I read that havent tried it frrom sierra), I think it is
safe to tell you how to keep the CD in it's protective case... I do it
because the kids ruined my 1st copy of Version 4 & 02.
Look for the utility called Blindwrite. use it to create a ISO (Image) on
your HD, with it. (CD like this you need 650 megs to waste on the
HardDrive, cause you got to keep it and run your apps you know) FYI, I
tried to burn a copy, seems to me it DIDNT WORK? but who knows, I have a
better CD writer now, but I have 200gigs+, and other removable drives too.
Then go find Daemon tools, carefully by googling. setup Deamon Tools to use
(mount) that image as a "VIrtual CD in your Daemon tools created Virutual cd
drive". However I hear some games will not install if you have this util
(and others like CloneCD), Yet I cannot remember who all's tittles had
trouble because it simply checked to see if it existed on your PC. So
caveat Emptor?
Yeah, ok to the possible flame bait Piracy Nazi's, I say too dayum bad,
legit uses of paint and other products that are sold everyday, sure some
will 'huff it', it is thier choice.
Guns dont kill people, people *use* guns to kill people. I know a guy who
owns 0 guns, ran over a guy & killed him. go figure?
Gil enlightened us with: