
I need some assistance w/NR2003 .....................


I need some assistance w/NR2003 .....................

by Plowbo » Thu, 16 Jun 2005 06:07:10

You do NOT have kids do you?

I got about 50 cd's I should have sent to you, if you can get even one to
work, I'd likely give you 10 bucks.   all of them the kids tittles like
reader rabbit that no longer read...  One was stepped on, the rest look as
if you played frisbee with them, in a parkinglot.  all of them kids tittles
unless you count the one I had to send to SIerra, because it has been
stepped on (broke it into 2 pieces).

You might say I have outlasted CD's and Byron....  "snap!" as of now,

Byron Forbes enlightened us with:

>    If you outlast a CD I'll be impressed. Clean/buff the CD with
> toothpaste if it gets dirty/scratched (ditto for DVDs too of course)
> and it'll last far longer than you'll need it.

>> It's not the effort, it's wear and tear from swapping CD's. I take
>> really good care of my stuff and the disk is beginning to look its
>> age. What will happen if the disk doesn't work anymore? I can't get
>> a new copy of NR2003.

>> The situation is getting worse now that some game disks will not work
>> in a rewritable drive, as the software sees it as a copying device.
>> Now I have to swap disks constantly to play certain titles.


I need some assistance w/NR2003 .....................

by Daru » Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:42:44

Sounds like a good idea, but I'm still in the same situation. IF
something happens (the CD drive doesn't like Crest for example), what

Got a link for the toothpaste bath step by step?

Byron Forbe

I need some assistance w/NR2003 .....................

by Byron Forbe » Thu, 16 Jun 2005 23:30:12

  Smear a little toothpaste on the CD/DVD and use your finger as a buff.
Dont let the toothpaste dry too much though else it gets too abrasive. Then
just rinse with water. Especially useful when hiring DVDs.