building a new house, my***pit in storage, moving, painting, etc it
was a joy last night to sit down and spend 4 hours driving all the new
stuff. I installed TPTCC 2.1, F1 Challenge, IROC and the new cars
from GPLEA for GPL. After running a Viper around the Glen, JPM's
Williams around Indianapolis , the IROC car around Tally, I jumped in
an Eagle and took a spin around Rouen. I then came upstairs and
buzzed around the forums and found the GPL_Passacaglia film and
downloaded it.
Now it is fun to try and hold onto the Williams. The Trans Am physics
and the TPTCC cars are more fun to drive than a bloated Nextel car but
they still have fenders and are heavy. Yea I suppose that the tire
models and physics are better and I do like the much more easily
changed off line racing parameters but ........watching that film just
crystalized for me the feelings that I still have for GPL: the purity
and challenge of the tracks, the love of the community for the sim
that has produced prodigeous numbers of add-on tracks and exacting
detail cars. It is still a thrill for me to see the cars raise up and
dip on their suspensions as they wrestle with the contours of the
'ring. The drifting around the corners and the wonderful feel of
driving those cars. No damn aero and wings. The color palette and the
widescreen presentation. Counting the telephone poles on the way to
the Masta kink, I don't care if the tire model sucks. I still get
the most joy of driving when I'm in GPL. VROC.
I own every one of Papy's games. I bought every Indy and Nascar title
and add-on (even beta tested a couple of titles). After GPL I bought
all the stuff just to support Kaemmer; the games got loaded, tried a
couple of times (usually to run Daytona as the racing season got
kicked off and e***ment built for a new racing year) and then got
ignored and unloaded when the next iteration of a Nascar game came
out. There was hope, rumours and talk of GPL2. I kept buying the
games. Well I know that it won't happen from Papyrus. There is no God
and there is no Easter bunny and there is no easter chicken laying any
GPL2 easter eggs. There is only the senior management of Vivendi
pissing away all the money (or should I say pissed).
Perhaps with Mr. Kaemmer now out of Papy and when he gets done
finishing his time on garden leave ( I read too much British F1 news),
we might see something. He's got to read the groups. He's got to see
the thousands of people that have stuck by GPL. And he's got to have
had a bellyfull of having to make racing games for a type of racing
that he surely doesn't love. There has to be some pent up passion to
produce a version of GPL that would redefine the genre, just as the
mismarketed original did. Right Dave? Spike Lee said it: Do the
right thing. Go east young man, surely not West ....
Jeff Haas