Indeed; glad to hear it - the disclaimer? The disclaimer was the first thing
I came up with, for obvious reasons. As for innapropriate, I have 1 death
threat for having called Victor a "baker" - if you d/load issue 2, you'll
see the details. You'd be surprised what people get angry over; sometimes,
even a simple free ezine stirs people to sending out hate mail (the one
about raping my wife is a gem - stay tuned to Issue 2 for details).
As for FILSCA, if the idea of keeping lifetime stats for every
driver/team/league, a quick and easy way to manage your league, and a club
of other dedicated league managers is not your cup of tea, then so be it -
fortunately, there are thousands that would argue with you. But each to his
All the best,
>> Btw, I'm curious to know of your contributions to the community. Please
>> let me know; I think it only fair if I have an opportunity to crtique
>> your contributions. Only fair, don't you think?
> Well for one he's provided a server for my GPL league and several others
> for the past couple years, which is more help than anything FILSCA offers.
> And he does this for free, makes it freely available, makes no money from
> it, and personally pays for the software, hardware, and bandwidth that was
> necessary to create it (well maybe with the exception of a donation of an
> old video card and a hard drive). Not once in all the years that he has
> been doing this has he publicly asked for his contribution to the
> community to be recognized. I guess he simply enjoys doing it, like so
> many others out there that contribute something useful to the community.
> And it's all done without a disclaimer in sight...
> Just one question Alex, did you come up with the disclaimer before or
> after you wrote the rant? That is the only part of an otherwise good
> ezine that I could see anyone finding "inappropriate". Perhaps you could
> reduce your burden by eliminating the rant section altogether and stick to
> the forums like the other "groans".
> The odd thing is that Art was the one that suggested it might be
> worthwhile for the leagues he's involved with to join FILSCA. Your
> responses to his posts have certainly answered any doubts I had about
> joining.
> Best of luck with FILSCA. Fortunately it's not something that most of us
> need to enjoy league racing.
> Ken