> > I got what I wanted anyway. More proof that it's ok for multiple people
> > (Doug, yourself, Txl, Dave H.) to rip into MS in multiple threads over
> > past couple of days, but as soon as someone takes a shot at an r.a.s.
> > favorite, they are the bad boy.
> The difference is, we *discuss* about F1 and their drivers here, we don't
> troll like you did over in rasf1.
You don't call these cheap shots at a five time champion?
"I'm glad of this - it means they cant hit the "bend over and pick up the
soap" button for Rubens" Ellison
"no, htye will have to find a way to do it with the pit board, VERY
difficult, like "if we put your flag after the laptime then you must let him
pass", or "if we put fuel press on the pitboard then you must let him pass",
or even easier when he comes ion for the last refuel "if we bang you on the
head then you must let him pass"...."
"well it still means Rubens gets the short end of the stick, but, they
either have to be public about it....i.e. holding up a Pit Sign for all the
world to see, or be covert...put a pre-arranged message on the pitboard.
Knowing F1 teams, I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't arrange for some
sort of secret message...Something like if you see a certain image on the
Jumbo-tron..pull over. Then slip the video director a few million $$ to
get your image displayed when you need it."
--dave henrie
Not until he gets an equal driver in his team, showing he's not so superior
and "legend-like" then we might think.
What I said was absolutely true. "Poor JPM. He screws up his pit stops even
with driver/pit communication."
Twice this past season he did that. He was ripped publically by Head after
the second time.
Montoya owned up to a basic error later in the race when he misread a pit
board and came in for his pitstop 10 laps too early.
"I made a huge mistake," he said and Head was scathing about the incident.
"Juan imagined something that was never on the pit-board, didn't follow his
procedures, didn't communicate to the pits in the way that he is supposed to
and decided to come into the pits," he said.
"It's something that if he is going to make use of the talent that he has as
a driver then it is a side of his performance that he has got to put more
attention to."
See? It's ok to rip MS here, but apparently bad, bad, bad to simply make a
statement of fact about JPM.
David G Fisher