I remember *** had 2 sports car game coming, one just for the PC
(Professional Sports Car Racing) and another for PSX (Sports Car GT). Now
both titles belong to EA. It might be that the 2nd Sports Car GT is gonna be
out for PSX and PC now. Or they are renaming Professional Sports Car Racing
to Sports Car GT, and releasing (PSCR) to the PC and the old Arcade Sports
Car GT for the PSX. Either way I'm really confused on what the hell is EA
Stealth Racing
> I read this just now at avault. This title sounds like Pro Sports Car
>from ISI, but some elements also sound different. It also has a spring
>1999 release data. (we'll just call it tentative!) Could EA be
>publishing another sports car game besides Pro Sports Car? and I thought
>sports car racing was in trouble!