: I have tried to load some NASCAR car sets, but an
: error happens when I tried to enter the garage.
: The cars appear ok in the track and in the paintkit.
: It happens when I try to use the DTM car set, that comes with
: the book "Official NASCAR Racing stratagies & secrets".
: I have NASCAR Racing v1.2 (CD-ROM version) with the track pack.
: My config is: 486 DX2/66, 8Megs, Sound Blaster Pro, Thrustmaster
: Formula T2
Sounds like you are trying to use a US carset with a version of NASCAR
distributed for non-North Americans (***).
To use carsets, which were created with the US Version of Nascar, with
the *** version you must do the following:
either make your *** version a US version by
changing all occurences of the ASCII sequence beng13 to kell_5
in the two files OBJS.DAT and your CARS94.DAT
or make the US carset a *** carset by
changing all occurences of the ASCII sequence kell_5 to beng13
in that new <carset>.DAT file.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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