It's better, overall, than the Nascar Pro IMHO.
The pedals are _much_ improved.
Tension is lighter than the TMPro, and this WILL***you up for a
while. It also seems to have a bit more travel, which will also mess
ya' up for a while.
One thing I don't like is that is STILL uses ThrustMasters stupid
single-screw attachment for the wheel (do they ever listen to their
customers?), and the whell rocks on the shaft. I find this most
> I have one I use for NROS (Stupid N2 can't use the MSFFW).
Don Hancock
I have no idea what their secret is.
1) This wheel set is awesome for the price! I actually find the
precision of control with the Super Sport to be superior to its more
expensive cousin the NASCAR Pro. The wheel has a new "Stainless steel
wheel shaft - set in a lubricated stainless steel bushing, the shaft
provides very durable, low-friction steering. " This makes for a very
smooth steering control.
2) The steering wheel is well padded and feels almost like a real
racing wheel would feel (in a F1 or CART car, not a NASCAR wheel).
3) The pedals may be made of plastic, but it is not a "cheap" plastic,
nor is it of cheap design. I have found the precision of the pedals on
the Super Sport to once again far outshines its cousin, NASCAR Pro. The
pedals are placed in a very good angle and provide smooth application
(especially important in GPL).
The only thing missing is a "stick shift". All shifting can be done via
the "flipper" paddles mounted behind the wheel, or with the buttons on
the front of the wheel.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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