>I just downloaded the "official" demo and the control setup is simply
>The way it works now, the gaz and brake pedals (y axis) control up and
>down shifting!!!
>The gaz and brake fonction are control by button 1 and 2, and there's no
>way to change that, at least in the demo.
>Please tell me that it's not the case in the complete game!
>Can you customize this stuff in the final product?
>Paul Lamarre
It seems like the demo doesn't let you chance the wheel configuration but if
you persits you will notice that there is "method behind the madness". What it
does is not let you assign a wheel function that is already assigned somewhere
else. By default all the axis and gear leaver are already assigned and
therefore will not let you re-assign them untill you "un-assign" them.
Therefore, do this:
1) change the "gear down" to button 3
2) change the "gear up" to button 4
3) Now you can assign y-axis down and up to "accelerate" and "break"
4) And now you can assign button 1 and 2 to your gear leaver.
I know that is not the most intuitive thing ever but it works every time....
and the demo absolutely rocks :) I love the driving model (potentialy the best
ever) and AI as well as I get 30fps with my P133 and 3dfx.
David Mocnay