Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

The Other Larr

Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by The Other Larr » Mon, 08 Jul 2002 12:14:26

The GF4 just does it a lot faster :)


> posted:

> >Hmm, I guess I gotta qualify that statement.  3D image quality is
> >definitely better than the Radeon, but it's still not as good in 2D.  I
> >just ran a few apps that do 2D charting and graphics, and text and fine
> >lines were much more clear on the Radeon.  Six of one, half a dozen of
> >the other - F1 2002 is nearly photo-realistic on the GF4, whereas on the
> >Radeon it looked flat and pixellated.  This was not just a matter of
> >detail level, the lighting simply wasn't as good with the Radeon.  But I
> >think the old advice still applies - if you want the best *** card,
> >go for the GF4, but if you want an all purpose card and don't mind
> >giving up a bit of speed in ***, the Radeon is still a better bet.  I
> >won't be returning the GF4, but in fairness I have to say the Radeon
> >still has the edge in 2D graphics.

> You're not talking about the Radeon 8500 obviously because it supports
> all the graphics features the GF4 does and a bit more to boot - like
> Trueform.


Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by B.Farme » Mon, 08 Jul 2002 23:36:55

> On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 03:14:26 GMT, "Larry \(The Other Larry\)"

> >The GF4 just does it a lot faster :)

> >-Larry

> Jedi Night 2
> GF4 4200 = 125.0 FPS
> R8500 = 123.5

> GF4 4200 = 152.5
> R8500 = 146.1

> UT 2003 w/anisotropic filtering
> (let's just say *they* had to drop the 4200 benchmarks for a reason and
> only post 4600 benchmarks)

> GF4 4600 = 45.1
> R8500 = 44.2

> Now take into account the R8500 is a direct competitor of the GF3 and
> not the GF4 and I think it's safe to say that your comment above is
> mostly just misinformed bollocks.

Hmmmmmmmm... OK, I don't have a Radeon card, & I don't have a GF4, either, so
this is probably just "mis-informed bollocks", too.   OTOH, you didn't say
(write, post,?) where you got the above marks, so I'll assume ;) that you aren't
describing personal experience (*they*, above).  I'll again assume that these #s
are from one of the many *unbiased* websites out there.

At least 2 people here that post regularly, & have used both cards, have stated
that the GF4 cards are much better in the (wait a sec, lemme look... yeppers, we
are posting on REC.AUTO.SIMS) games that they use.  For someone like me, who is
looking to upgrade his vid card soon, information on a newsgroup about the games
that interest me is much preferable to the "informed bollocks" that you seem to

Thanks go to the *other* posters on this thread, the info you have given is



Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by B.Farme » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 01:58:28

> On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 14:36:55 GMT, "B.Farmer"

> >Hmmmmmmmm... OK, I don't have a Radeon card, & I don't have a GF4, either, so
> >this is probably just "mis-informed bollocks", too.   OTOH, you didn't say
> >(write, post,?) where you got the above marks, so I'll assume ;) that you
> >describing personal experience (*they*, above).  I'll again assume that these
> >are from one of the many *unbiased* websites out there.

> >At least 2 people here that post regularly, & have used both cards, have
> >that the GF4 cards are much better in the (wait a sec, lemme look... yeppers,
> >are posting on REC.AUTO.SIMS) games that they use.  For someone like me, who
> >looking to upgrade his vid card soon, information on a newsgroup about the
> >that interest me is much preferable to the "informed bollocks" that you seem
> >prefer.

> >Thanks go to the *other* posters on this thread, the info you have given is
> >helpful.

> >Brian

> I get well over 100fps in N2002 on an R8500, just how many FPS do you
> think you need to get smooth animation? I've owned both a GF3 and a
> Radeon 8500, but have not used a GF4. It would be rather dim of me to
> switch to a card that gives a small improvemnt now when there are
> faster cards just around the corner. And I only switched to the R8500
> because the GF3 gave me the infamous "infinite loop error" under WinXP
> on my mb. Buy whatever card you like (I would probably buy  a GF4 4200
> if I was buying today), I'm just correcting the previous poster's
> misinformed comment about the R8500. In  many games the R8500 beats a
> GF4 4600 with anisiotropic filtering on and does it at a higher
> quality too. GF4 will beat an R8500 at FSAA easily. You weigh out the
> odds and choose your poison. Just don't post BS or I will come around
> and make corrrections that need to be made. Even a Voodoo5 can hold
> it's own in certain games and at certain settings.

> And *** you and your sarcastic attitude ***.

The Other Larr

Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by The Other Larr » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 02:53:25

Very selective list of games there :)  I guess you read the massive
Anandtech article to come up with it ?


> On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 03:14:26 GMT, "Larry \(The Other Larry\)"

> >The GF4 just does it a lot faster :)

> >-Larry

> Jedi Night 2
> GF4 4200 = 125.0 FPS
> R8500 = 123.5

> GF4 4200 = 152.5
> R8500 = 146.1

> UT 2003 w/anisotropic filtering
> (let's just say they had to drop the 4200 benchmarks for a reason and
> only post 4600 benchmarks)

> GF4 4600 = 45.1
> R8500 = 44.2

> Now take into account the R8500 is a direct competitor of the GF3 and
> not the GF4 and I think it's safe to say that your comment above is
> mostly just misinformed bollocks.

The Other Larr

Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by The Other Larr » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 03:23:56

No need.  I've evaluated both myself.  I know where they stand :)

Thanks, though!


> On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 17:53:25 GMT, "Larry \(The Other Larry\)"

> >Very selective list of games there :)  I guess you read the massive
> >Anandtech article to come up with it ?

> >-Larry

> That, and every other one available. Perhaps you would like me to post
> links showing how well an R8500 performs when usng anisio compared to
> a GF4 4600 and with magnified images showing it is using a higher
> quality anisio too? Tom's Hardware is so aware of this that he
> negelcted to use the R8500 in the anisio tests comparing the Parhelia
> and GF4 but used it in the othert tests. Very suspect that. I'm not
> saying the GF4 is not faster overall, but to say it is way faster is
> not correct.

Goy Larse

Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by Goy Larse » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 03:38:52

> That, and every other one available. Perhaps you would like me to post
> links showing how well an R8500 performs when usng anisio compared to
> a GF4 4600 and with magnified images showing it is using a higher
> quality anisio too? Tom's Hardware is so aware of this that he
> negelcted to use the R8500 in the anisio tests comparing the Parhelia
> and GF4 but used it in the othert tests. Very suspect that. I'm not
> saying the GF4 is not faster overall, but to say it is way faster is
> not correct.

You're not suggesting that Tom's Hardware is anything but totally
objective are you ?

Oh the horror of it all

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

The Other Larr

Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by The Other Larr » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 04:35:45



> On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 18:23:56 GMT, "Larry \(The Other Larry\)"

> >No need.  I've evaluated both myself.  I know where they stand :)

> >Thanks, though!

> >-Larry

> Do you play anything besides racing sims? I know this is R.A.S., but
> surely I am talking to well rounded gamers here, no? Personally, I am
> considering downgrading to an MSI GF3 Ti 200 128mb just so I can get
> 2D/3D acceleration in Linux. Can't get that with an R8500 or GF4 yet
> and a few FPS here or there is no big deal to me. A *lot* of games I
> play are 2D only, but I suppose you are not interested in wargames and
> strat games so 3D is all that matters to you. It's all about choices,
> and no one card is the best at everything.


Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by Haqsa » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 07:30:16

You are correct I am not talking about the 8500, I went from a 32 meg
DDR Radeon (the original part that is now called the 7200) to a GeForce
4 Ti 4200.  But I am not talking about graphics features either.  What I
am really talking about is the sharpness of the rendering and the color
saturation.  nVidia's products have definitely improved in this regard,
to the point where the answer to the question "which card looks better?"
seems to depend totally on the game or the application.  I still think
ATI has a bit of an edge in 2D sharpness and clarity, but there are some
3D games that look distinctly better on the GF4.  Also I think older 16
bit color games look a bit better on the GF4.  For typical shooters OTOH
I did not see any real difference in image quality between the two.  I
think if I did a lot of video or image editing or other types of
graphics work, or if I was still doing 3D level designs for shooters
(something I haven't done in quite a while) I would probably prefer the
8500.  But lately a large part of my time has been spent playing racing
games, for which it is nice to have a card that can do FSAA without a
big frame rate penalty.  So for now the GF4 fits the bill quite nicely.
Next year might be different.  ;o)

> posted:

> You're not talking about the Radeon 8500 obviously because it supports
> all the graphics features the GF4 does and a bit more to boot - like
> Trueform.


Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by Haqsa » Tue, 09 Jul 2002 11:59:28

The difference is not going to show up in screenshots.  When you look at
a screenshot you are still looking at it on your video card, through
your RAMDAC, on your monitor.  The difference in sharpness and color
saturation happens in the RAMDAC and the output drivers, not in the
bitmaps that are being generated.  Only a direct A to B comparison
between boards on the same monitor can show you that.


Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by Haqsa » Wed, 10 Jul 2002 08:50:10

Well I certainly would not recommend that.  As I said, which card looks
better depends totally on the game or the application.  I think the
difference is that many game developers use nVidia cards as the
reference when they are developing the game, consequently many games are
just plain going to look best on an nVidia card.  OTOH games or apps
that are developed for general use will probably look better on the
Radeon.  But to be honest I have been told this so often that I am
starting to believe it - if you really want good 2D quality you want a
Matrox, not an ATI or nVidia product.  Too bad Matrox' current cards
don't perform worth a damn in games.


Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by Tim » Thu, 18 Jul 2002 05:26:39

Stay frosty? the world...



Tim White
INTRAC Motorsports

Don Burnett

Initial impressions upgrading from GeForce3 Ti200 to GeForce 4 4400

by Don Burnett » Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:02:28

Has been several days since the below post, actually have gone back to
higher resolution/no aa for my racing sims.

Don Burnette

> Stay frosty? the world...

> choices...

> <vbg>

> --
> Tim White
> INTRAC Motorsports

> > Basically, at 1024x762x32 with quincunx AA., my framerates are about the
> > same as I was getting in 1280x964x32 with no AA.
> > Now I am uncertain of which I like better,  higher resolutions with no
> or
> > lower resolutions with quincunx AA. At this moment I am leaning towards
> the
> > lower resolution with AA.

> > Don Burnette is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.