> posted:
> >Hmm, I guess I gotta qualify that statement. 3D image quality is
> >definitely better than the Radeon, but it's still not as good in 2D. I
> >just ran a few apps that do 2D charting and graphics, and text and fine
> >lines were much more clear on the Radeon. Six of one, half a dozen of
> >the other - F1 2002 is nearly photo-realistic on the GF4, whereas on the
> >Radeon it looked flat and pixellated. This was not just a matter of
> >detail level, the lighting simply wasn't as good with the Radeon. But I
> >think the old advice still applies - if you want the best *** card,
> >go for the GF4, but if you want an all purpose card and don't mind
> >giving up a bit of speed in ***, the Radeon is still a better bet. I
> >won't be returning the GF4, but in fairness I have to say the Radeon
> >still has the edge in 2D graphics.
> You're not talking about the Radeon 8500 obviously because it supports
> all the graphics features the GF4 does and a bit more to boot - like
> Trueform.