Any clockwise ovals?

Arto Wik

Any clockwise ovals?

by Arto Wik » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

After having overcome some of my prejudices of oval racing - thanks
to Dave Noonan's converter! - I just for fun changed my driving
direction in qualifying on one of those tracks. Luckily there was
not much traffic..., I anyhow become black flagged and disqualified ;-)  
But that made me think: Are they always, really always, driving only
counterclockwise races on American ovals? Isn't there no series that
drives clockwise at least some races? Wouldn't that also be interesting?

I do know that for ex. the banked part of old Monza was driven clocwise,
but I have never heard of any oval clockwise race. In Viper Racing
you can do that, but how is it in real life?


Jason Mond

Any clockwise ovals?

by Jason Mond » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

I would say counterclockwise races are for the drivers saftey.  Smacking
into a wall on the driver side doesn't sound like much fun.


> After having overcome some of my prejudices of oval racing - thanks
> to Dave Noonan's converter! - I just for fun changed my driving
> direction in qualifying on one of those tracks. Luckily there was
> not much traffic..., I anyhow become black flagged and disqualified ;-)
> But that made me think: Are they always, really always, driving only
> counterclockwise races on American ovals? Isn't there no series that
> drives clockwise at least some races? Wouldn't that also be interesting?

> Arto

Jason Monds - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL) - Car Sim Project
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
Joel Brow

Any clockwise ovals?

by Joel Brow » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

I have heard of a local race track flipping a coin to see which way they
would run the oval that night.  I forgot where I read that but thought it
was interesting.  It's very rare to run ovals clockwise.  I think the reason
in real life is the driver is on the left and it puts more protection
between the driver and the wall.

Jason Hoeh

Any clockwise ovals?

by Jason Hoeh » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

THeres a pretty big Oval stockcar series in Australia, and because they are
right hand drive cars they have to race clockwise, for the above mentioned
safety factor...

You may want to surf around for some pictures of of australian oval racing
to see them, looks rather bizarre for those of us used to watching CCW oval
racing our whole lives,..

Arto Wik

Any clockwise ovals?

by Arto Wik » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

I thought the CARTs and IRLs(spelling?) do not have any spesific
"driver's side"! And the same with GPL - "my way to ovals".  ;)


Jason Mond

Any clockwise ovals?

by Jason Mond » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

Oh right!  I forgot about them, hehe.   Smaking into anything in a CART/IRL
car from any direction doesn't sound like fun.


> Jason Monds writes:

> >I would say counterclockwise races are for the drivers saftey.  Smacking
> >into a wall on the driver side doesn't sound like much fun.

> I thought the CARTs and IRLs(spelling?) do not have any spesific
> "driver's side"! And the same with GPL - "my way to ovals".  ;)

> Arto

Jason Monds - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL) - Car Sim Project
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
Dave Henri

Any clockwise ovals?

by Dave Henri » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

> THeres a pretty big Oval stockcar series in Australia, and because they are
> right hand drive cars they have to race clockwise, for the above mentioned
> safety factor...

nnonononoooo  they don't race clockwise for safety's
the TOLIETS flush in the opposite direction from the Northern
geez EVERYONE knows that...
dave henrie

Any clockwise ovals?

by Han » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

which is why australian oval racing goes clockwise. lol

Any clockwise ovals?

by Gaul » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

Nah- it's that Coriolis effect thing. You know... opposite direction in the
southern hemisphere and all.  :-)


Any clockwise ovals?

by Gaul » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

> > THeres a pretty big Oval stockcar series in Australia, and because they
> > right hand drive cars they have to race clockwise, for the above
> > safety factor...

> nnonononoooo  they don't race clockwise for safety's
> because
> the TOLIETS flush in the opposite direction from the Northern
> Hemishere...
> geez EVERYONE knows that...
> dave henrie

Oops... you beat me to it.  Didn't read your post 'til after I'd said the
same thing above.  :-)
Gregor Vebl

Any clockwise ovals?

by Gregor Vebl » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

> > which is why australian oval racing goes clockwise. lol

> Nah- it's that Coriolis effect thing. You know... opposite direction in the
> southern hemisphere and all.  :-)

That's not as irrelevant as it may seem. A quick estimate shows you that
the Coriolis effect on a racecar at a typical oval speed is around
1/1000 of a g, which then amounts to about a kg of sideways force on the


Andrew Turne

Any clockwise ovals?

by Andrew Turne » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

Actually, it goes back to the days when cars were really slow; races took a
*really* long time, and counterclockwise ovals with the drivers being on the
left side of the cars enabled them to get near the inside wall and their crew
could hand them a drink or a cigarette, or a sandwich or magazine or something
like that. At least this is what I read.


> I have heard of a local race track flipping a coin to see which way they
> would run the oval that night.  I forgot where I read that but thought it
> was interesting.  It's very rare to run ovals clockwise.  I think the reason
> in real life is the driver is on the left and it puts more protection
> between the driver and the wall.

> > After having overcome some of my prejudices of oval racing - thanks
> > to Dave Noonan's converter! - I just for fun changed my driving
> > direction in qualifying on one of those tracks. Luckily there was
> > not much traffic..., I anyhow become black flagged and disqualified ;-)
> > But that made me think: Are they always, really always, driving only
> > counterclockwise races on American ovals? Isn't there no series that
> > drives clockwise at least some races? Wouldn't that also be interesting?

> > I do know that for ex. the banked part of old Monza was driven clocwise,
> > but I have never heard of any oval clockwise race. In Viper Racing
> > you can do that, but how is it in real life?

> > Arto


Any clockwise ovals?

by kevinga » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

I would be more likely to believe this is it weren't for the fact that most
racing cars, and even most street cars, were right side steer at the time
the decisiion to to run CC was made.

Kevin F. Gavitt


Any clockwise ovals?

by Gaul » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

> > > which is why australian oval racing goes clockwise. lol

> > Nah- it's that Coriolis effect thing. You know... opposite direction in
> > southern hemisphere and all.  :-)

> That's not as irrelevant as it may seem. A quick estimate shows you that
> the Coriolis effect on a racecar at a typical oval speed is around
> 1/1000 of a g, which then amounts to about a kg of sideways force on the
> car.

AHA! I knew there was a reason I keep blowing some of my turns in GPL.  I
can now blame it on the Coriolis effect.  Now THAT's some physics model!



Any clockwise ovals?

by Gaul » Sat, 13 May 2000 04:00:00

Just a thought- weren't horse race tracks already running counterclockwise
well before car races began?  I could easily be wrong here, since I'm not
into horse racing and I think there were more cross country and steeplechase
events back then anyway.

And what about chariot races?  Didn't Ben Hur run counter-clockwise?  :-)
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