Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)


Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by Scot » Sat, 17 Jun 2000 04:00:00

From DSL Reports:

BA moratorium! (User-Contribution)
posted 06-15 10:33

Bell Atlantic has halted ADSL installs for the duration of this month,
while it works things out with the FCC!

The FCC requires them to spin off their data division (Infospeed DSL)
before they can get full approval for their phone long distance rights, and
this has not been completed in time.

As a result, all new ADSL orders are now held until July 4th, and typically
will not then get completed until later in July. This freeze is for BA
Infospeed DSL, and all BA Partners (Acecape and others).
(Comments:  Read: 6 Add)


rik anthra

Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by rik anthra » Sat, 17 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Do what I did. Get a cable modem. you won't regret it.

Scott B. Hust

Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by Scott B. Hust » Sun, 18 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Too late, I'm already compeletely satisfied with DSL and I don't share my
bandwidth <G>

Like any connection, DSL-CABLE-ISDN, etc, its only as good as the network
its on.

I have DSL with COVAD ( and it has been flawless.  1.5Mps/384.

But I had to go through Hell with Bell Atlantic before I found a solid
provider.  We have 2 cable companies here, and I know people on both and
the one is limited to 500 up and down and the other is 1-way.  Neither of
them impressed me to say the least and my DSL kicks them all over the place

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450


Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by Ray » Fri, 30 Jun 2000 04:00:00

This is the Governments fault not BA. They have given all the Bells
ridiculous rules to follow to get long distance while giving the AT&Ts and
Sprints carte blanche to do as they wish.
Blame the PUC and FCC not BA. Also realize ADSL is a new technology and will
take time to get all the kinks out.

> Bell Atlantic does DSL?

> Could have fooled me :(

> -Larry

> > From DSL Reports:

> > BA moratorium! (User-Contribution)
> > posted 06-15 10:33

> > Bell Atlantic has halted ADSL installs for the duration of this month,
> > while it works things out with the FCC!

> > The FCC requires them to spin off their data division (Infospeed DSL)
> > before they can get full approval for their phone long distance rights,
> > this has not been completed in time.

> > As a result, all new ADSL orders are now held until July 4th, and
> > will not then get completed until later in July. This freeze is for BA
> > Infospeed DSL, and all BA Partners (Acecape and others).
> > (Comments:  Read: 6 Add)

> > Scott
> > PA-Scott
> >


Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by Larr » Sat, 01 Jul 2000 04:00:00

Bell Atlantic does DSL?

Could have fooled me :(


> From DSL Reports:

> BA moratorium! (User-Contribution)
> posted 06-15 10:33

> Bell Atlantic has halted ADSL installs for the duration of this month,
> while it works things out with the FCC!

> The FCC requires them to spin off their data division (Infospeed DSL)
> before they can get full approval for their phone long distance rights, and
> this has not been completed in time.

> As a result, all new ADSL orders are now held until July 4th, and typically
> will not then get completed until later in July. This freeze is for BA
> Infospeed DSL, and all BA Partners (Acecape and others).
> (Comments:  Read: 6 Add)

> Scott
> PA-Scott

Scott B. Hust

Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by Scott B. Hust » Sat, 01 Jul 2000 04:00:00

Funny though how many non-BA DSL providers have the 'kinks' worked out.  I
know my COVAD DSL has worked flawlessly from day 1.  Not a single hour of
downtime so far. (knock on artificial wood)

My sister works for BA and they were told not to push DSL as their
engineers are overwhelmed with this technology.  Sounds to me like BA bit
off more than it could chew and it only causes more un-needed frustrations
for the consumer.

At least here in PA, the other companies have NOT been given free go around
as Bell Atlantic has a virtual monopoly on local phone service.  In fact,
the state had to pass legislation breaking Bell Atlantics state operation
in two so that local telephone service competition could arise.

Also, the BA merger is going through while the Sprint merger is being
fought by the government.

I don't blame ALL the problems on BA, but a majority of them are their OWN
fault because they are a beaurocratic beast that markets products its not
ready to offer.


Greg Cisk

Bell Atlantic DSL (Revisited)

by Greg Cisk » Sat, 01 Jul 2000 04:00:00

Sounds reasonable. I was thinking that from my DSL experiences, the
problem is twofold. 1) Not enough support personal to answer the phone
so you wait for over an hour. 2) No enough *EXPERT* support personal
to actually figure out what is going on. So once you get through, you are
screwed because they are clueless and cannot help you. Yes this is a
new technology, but that adds to the problem and IMHO is up to the
company offering the service to provide proper support.

My DSL has been fairly good. When it is on it is awesome. When ot
goes out I am just screwed. I could wait for over an hour to log the
complaint, only to find out the person answering my call is totally
clueless. One time they were going to exchange my DSL modem.
Everything was fine except the "internet" was down. They had no
clue what the problem was so (DUH) "lets exchange the modem,
that must be it." A few hours later it magically was all fixed. My DSL
modem was just fine. Someone at their end was screwing the the
equipment obviously.

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