I ran the edit number utility several times but counld't changed the
numbers, please help me via e-mail. Thanks.
I ran the edit number utility several times but counld't changed the
numbers, please help me via e-mail. Thanks.
Perhaps someone can post any help regarding the gp2chnum utility in
this group. I can't get it to work either. Thanks in advance.
Bill E.
Backup the current F1GPSTATE.SAV file in your main directory to
F1GPSTATE.OLD and then run GP2CHNUM, and all should work.
Good Luck...
>>I ran the edit number utility several times but counld't changed the
>>numbers, please help me via e-mail. Thanks.
>Perhaps someone can post any help regarding the gp2chnum utility in
>this group. I can't get it to work either. Thanks in advance.
> Bill E.
The author of the program recommended restoring your original gp2.exe
file after using the utility. This probably isn't a bad idea. One
note: When I used this utility, it worked great until I restored a
saved game that used the old numbers. This caused the game to reset to
the default old numbers. Therefore, it's a pretty good idea to delete
all your old saved games before you run this utility.