formula force?
i got the thing about 1 week ago. i installed it and eventually got
it working on usb. worked great; loved it. last night, for some
STUPID reason, i was possessed to upgrade to the 3.12 drivers. i
installed but got the dreaded "not connected" message. i spend the
next 3 hours trying all different combinations and permutations of
installing (with infinite rebooting), and still nothing. i found the
3.12a drivers from those didn't make a
this morning, i pulled out everything pertaining to the wingman (using
norton uninstall and registry tools). i deleleted the logitech
devices. then reinstalled the original 3.10 that came with the wheel.
still nothing. "not connected". argh. what in the world am i doing
wrong?? i've tried connecting to the serial port (which worked right
off when i first got the wheel), but this doesn't work. (i know the
port works cuz i pulled my external modem off the port).
anyone have an experience like this or have some advice?? i've posted
twice to logitech, but really don't expect a reply from them.