> The problem I hear about Win98 is that it places you into a hypnotic
> trance leading you not to buy Macs and not to puncuate sentences...Is
> this true? ;)
> The problem I hear about Win98 is that it places you into a hypnotic
> trance leading you not to buy Macs and not to puncuate sentences...Is
> this true? ;)
>> WIndows 98 doesn't suck it's made for real computer users people that
>.....and a lot more rubbish.
Ah, but these weren't Taiwanese tennis shoes, right?
> let me say a real computer user is somone that knows what they are doing
> when they do it or a person that doesn't know what they are doing and
> doesn't do it
> and by the way I have used everthing Microsoft has made since
> dos 3.0 I'm not scared shitless of a command prompt and I build my own
> computers I don't buy them.
> >Pity that W98 doesn't insert punctuation into sentences, isn't it?
> >> WIndows 98 doesn't suck it's made for real computer users people that
> know
> >.....and a lot more rubbish.
> >--
> >Regards,
> >Bruce.
> >----------
LOL! Good one Pat. :-P
Brian Tate
BTate80 on TEN
Zanzibar in Quake2 (The guy running around with the middle finger up)
> oh no that cant be true marc surely can it
Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
> Now for the original post.....
> *
> First, the only differences between my system since when it did work
> and now
> are win98 and a Diamond MonsterSound.
> The sounds are garbled, BUT, before you all hastily reply telling me
> to
> reduce the number of sound effects, I know about this, I have it down
> to 3
> (as low as it will go) and the sounds still come out garbled. The game
> is
> also running REALLY badly (i.e. very choppy framerates) which I
> believe is
> related to the sound issue. Can anybody help me with my problem?
> *
> btw since this post I tried disabling my sound card from within
> windows, and
> the game runs at its proper speed, however my joystick port is on my
> soundcard, and as I'm sure you all know, trying to drive with the
> keyboard
> is an exercise in futility :)
> Steve
Now the next thin to do is to start te game from x:\gpl\program\gpl.exe
and configure you joystick or wheel,and adjust the other options to your
personal wishes
after that exit the game.......... don't go driving yet!!!
After that edit x:\gpl\program\options.ini go to
line 35 and change it into lastRasterizerDLL = rast3dfx.dll (You will
get No
3DFX textures if you don't!!)
Copy the options.ini to x:\gpl\program\controls and make options.ini
read only
Now you can start the game,...and everything works fine under Windows
>> let me say a real computer user is somone that knows what they are doing
>> when they do it or a person that doesn't know what they are doing and
>> doesn't do it
>> and by the way I have used everthing Microsoft has made since
>> dos 3.0 I'm not scared shitless of a command prompt and I build my own
>> computers I don't buy them.
>> >Pity that W98 doesn't insert punctuation into sentences, isn't it?
>> >> WIndows 98 doesn't suck it's made for real computer users people that
>> know
>> >.....and a lot more rubbish.
>> >--
>> >Regards,
>> >Bruce.
>> >----------
Surely you know that full stops were originally designed for version
numbers anyway Bruce.
btw Does/Will the finished GPL contain anything other than 3DFX /
rendition support. Plays great but the graphics engine is on par with
GP2 from where i'm sitting.
Mike Wallace (OSR2.1)
> Sorry about reposting this, but I'm desperate :)
> I'd like to point out that I HAVE already done the weird windows 98 stuff to
> get GPL to work (it didn't run at all until I tried that), my problem is
> that the sound is STILL garbled. I know theres at least one other person out
> there with this problem and surely someone has found a way round it?
> Now for the original post.....
> *
> First, the only differences between my system since when it did work and now
> are win98 and a Diamond MonsterSound.
> The sounds are garbled, BUT, before you all hastily reply telling me to
> reduce the number of sound effects, I know about this, I have it down to 3
> (as low as it will go) and the sounds still come out garbled. The game is
> also running REALLY badly (i.e. very choppy framerates) which I believe is
> related to the sound issue. Can anybody help me with my problem?
> *
> btw since this post I tried disabling my sound card from within windows, and
> the game runs at its proper speed, however my joystick port is on my
> soundcard, and as I'm sure you all know, trying to drive with the keyboard
> is an exercise in futility :)
> Steve
> > WIndows 98 doesn't suck it's made for real computer users people that know
> > what the hell they are doing if you leave it alone it works fine
> > I have it and nothing has gone wrong I know of about 35 people that have it
> > not one problem but you read this newsgroup and people say it sucks it's
> > because you don't know what you are doing and you mess with things anyway
> > and you know who you are.
> Does Win98 support puncuation?
Does Netscape 3 (Win95) support spell-checkers?
> > oh no that cant be true marc surely can it
> Surely! While Win98-users suffer through punctuation problems, we
> Win95 blokes is stuck with grammer and speeling bugs.
> ;)
> --
> Marc J. Nelson
> The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com
> * No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
Personally I like Windows 98 a lot more than 95. The GUI is better and it
feels much nicer to use day in, day out. The thing is far from being "shitless
of a command line" I've used PC's since MsDos 3 and work with UNIX so I
wouldn't say I'm unfamilar with command prompts :)
At the end of the day, Win98 is a better version of Windows 95 and other than
the price there is little reason why it's not a good thing. That said, if
you're happy with Win 95 in any of it's flavours then why bother upgrading?
It's horses for courses and to be honest, anyone who starts abusing people for
use or otherwise of Win98 needs to grow up.
The problem is with Win98 (which, incidentally, I am not about to bash). I tried
all the tricks on the web, reinstalled DirectX 6, made sure all my other drivers
were up to date, screwed around with all the file names everyone told me to***
around with. I was prepared to believe the problem lay with my otherwise more
than adequate Turtle Beach PCI sound card...until I installed the demo on the same
machine under Win95 (I knew there was some reason I'd retained it in a partition
for an optional boot)...and...voila...the GPL demo works beautifully.
Win98 doesn't suck, but the demo isn't prepared for it and the easiest way to get
around that (until the commercial release) is to simply repartition your
harddrive, reinstall Win95, boot up under Win95, and reinstall the game.